So Much Talent .....The Crochet Periodic Table

 Our new Vet at the practice crocheted this blanket for her friends. 
They are chemistry folk, so there you go. 
The Periodic Table. 
Isn't it amazing????


Kim in Oregon said…
That's an amazing gift!
Unknown said…
Oh my goodness, that is a very cool gift...but can you imagine knitting in all those details???
KSD said…
Astonishing. And what a brilliant idea!
Meredith said…
It is awesome, I have missed you Kathy B!
susan said…
Yes, Kathy, that truly is amazing! What creative talent that took to put that together. I think I'll stick to my simple double crochet afghans that don't require any attention to detail.
Araignee said…
Holy cow! That is amazeballs!!!!
Tired Teacher said…
Wow, the recipient must be a very good friend!
Teresa Kasner said…
I can't imagine the work that went into that. I hope the recipients understand and appreciate it.. a LOT! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…

That is SO cool!
Judy S. said…
I am speechless!
Delighted Hands said…
Incredible! They will be speechless! (As are we!)
elns said…
This is so cool Kathy, thanks for sharing! I sent the link off to my Knit Club!
Stefanie said…
Wow! LOL! So creative gift! It is wonderful, you did a really great job.

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