Oh Yes I have an Opinion..

 My sock knitting is progressing.
I spent yesterday knitting two heel flaps and turning the two heels. 
I'm very content. 

I ordered some Cherry Tree Hill Sock yarn last week. 
I'd like to knit a pair of socks for my sister for Christmas. 
When I've managed some swaps years ago, I got to see so many different sock yarn skeins.

I cannot get Cherry Tree here so I have to order it. 
I remember loving it. 


Here are my sock yarn thoughts:

Regia is too harsh on the feet and has little give to it.
If You want to be entertained, however, it has great fair isle patterning. 

Socks that Rock are too big a gauge for my liking. 
Their colorways have great names.
They make it too difficult to get a skein. 
 I don't want to JOIN a club to get my yarn.

Koigu is not sold as sock yarn, but it makes a great sock yarn.
I've found you can wash and dry it in the machine and it doesnt felt. 

I hope Knitpicks has improved their sock yarn line.
In the way past, I knit their washable wool and it felted...

Lorna's Laces
is pretty much sock yarn perfection. 
It has that great give and bounce to each stitch.

I haven't tried the WISDOM sock that sweet Judy gifted me yet.

I haven't tried Noro sock. 
It just looks too much like string.
Looks like it has no bounce.
I love how it works up from the store samples, but not enough to try it. 

Trekking held such alure for me.
Until I knit with it. 
Again, no real bounce and my joints need that give.

What are your sock yarn thoughts?


Tired Teacher said…
Regia - wears like iron and doesn't pill or bloom
Crazy Zauberball - fun to knit
Opal - durable and fun colors
Patrons Kroy - wears like iron, fun color combos

On My Toes - often has knots in the skeins
Lorna's Laces - blooms and pills excessively after washing
Kim in Oregon said…
I really like Dream in Color sock yarn. If I could only have one sock yarn for the rest of my life though it would be koigu.
Teresa Kasner said…
I used a cotton sock yarn and have no idea how to rate it. :-) ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
I love my sock yarn (of course!!!!) Send my your address to my rav account (wanderingcat) and I'll send you a skein!
Linda said…
I only use sock yarn for scarves and shawls. I do like the Lorna's Laces quite a bit! I also like Koigu. And I really like Allegria. But my yarn shop isn't carrying it anymore - so I will order it soon online!

Linda in VA
Sue said…
My two favorite sock yarns are Cherry Tree Hill Supersock and Ivy Brambles Sockscene. Both wear very well, are soft on the foot, and have great elasticity.

I'm with you on Regia and Trekking.
Anonymous said…
I am knitting with Trekking Pro Natura right now and I HATE it. The color is lovely, but it is SO scratchy on my fingers that the one the yarn is tensioned on is actually a bit sore. :-( I can't wait until these socks are done.
Stefanie said…
These, Iris, are some interesting observations. I haven't used many sock yarn brands yet. I've used Knit Picks, self-striping Felici. The dye job transitioning is better I think now. I haven't used Lorna's Laces for sometime but I like it.
Stefanie said…
Oh and I've used Claudia Handpainted once and it holds up well with handwashing, is soft, and feels good.
Araignee said…
Your yarn reviews are spot on! I second Wandering Cat on her hand dyed yarn. If you want soft and bouncy for special gifts, that'll do it. It's exquisite.
Tahnee said…
I never really considered Koigu as a sock yarn thinking it wouldn't be durable enough, but if it holds up in the washing machine that is a great plus. I agree sock yarn should have some spring to it and as far as more affordable sock yarns go I love Schoppel Wolle.
Frieda said…
Love your reviews of sock yarn ! I'll give Wanderingcat yarns another thumbs up , it is lovely and soft . I am a fan of Regia and Kroy sock yarn , mostly because of their durability . I do find the Kroy seems a bit softer than the Regia . Tried Fame Trend sock yarn , much better as a shawl , it is like Noro thick & thin in parts . Tanis Fibre Arts is a great yarn , soft with nice stitch definition and wears well . I have never tried Koigu , but it is on wish list .
karen said…
hmmm, I knit with trekking xxl and it is one of the few yarns that my husband doesn't ruin in one year! I am comfortable with that yarn. Loved reading your reviews and seeing what you think.
Judy S. said…
Fun post, Kathy. Now I need to try Cherry Hill. And I'm anxious to get my Wandering Cat yarn. So much fun yarn and so little time! (I love Lorna's Laces and Socks that Rock, too.)
Delighted Hands said…
I use KnitPicks yarn both Stroll and Felici with great results; some of my socks are ten years old and going strong. However, they do felt some in my daughter's new water energy machine-i think the low water levels has something to do with it because I don't have a prob. I loved reading the reviews!
Caffeine Girl said…
It is funny how people have different opinions about sock yarn. I love the tough stuff: Regia, Trekking, Opal, and find it does soften with washing. Wears like iron! I agree with you on the Lorna's Laces -- perfection! I also really like Cascade's Heritage, pretty soft and long-wearing!

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