More Thankfuls 2015

 So Thankful for these three -
 and For this guy
 That this guy became ours!
 For my Local Yarn shop, Three Bags Full and all the inspiration everyone there brings to my knitting

For pretend friends.  This means YOU!
I Love your comments, your friendship, your posts. 
Enjoy this day whether it is with a big group of family or just with one other being.  Maybe even your dear dog or cat. 
Lots to be thankful for. 
Know that I'm thankful for you!


Unknown said…
You have such a handsome family! And so much to be grateful for. Blessing to you on this Thanksgiving Day.
Tired Teacher said…
Love the photo of baby Fezik!

Happy Thanksgiving to all gathered at your home this holiday.
Meredith said…
Happy Thanksgiving Kathy B! Enjoy your family and all the fun around you.
Araignee said…
What a beautiful family! Fezzie was an adorable baby. Happy Thanksgiving!
Teresa Kasner said…
Gadzooks.. your family look like movie stars! That baby pic of Fez is cuteness overload..

*H*A*P*P*Y* *T*H*A*N*K*S*G*I*V*I*N*G*!*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. We are extra thankful for the 3 fur babies you helped us add to our family. This is Kady Sue's first Thanksgiving and Fezziks too.
Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving!
Linda said…
Beautiful family - including the fur baby! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Linda in VA
Anonymous said…
What a lovely looking family! Hard to believe that Fezzik was that small.

Happy Thanksgiving, friend! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Unknown said…
I hope your Thanksgiving was as blessed as mine!
Delighted Hands said…
Isn't that the truth; thankful for all the people who enrich our lives, not the things....
Caffeine Girl said…
I'm thankful for you, too!
Stefanie said…
Great looking ohana. I cannot let my daughters see your kitten as they are dying for two. Loved seeing those hanging beanies.

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