Happy PreThanksgiving Thanks

 I'm thankful for Starbucks Passion Tea even in winter. 
Our friend Nick made me a starbucks gingerbread drink this week and oh my.   
It was like drinking a cake. 
I'm just as good with some Passion tea and a lot less calories.
I'm thankful for the Starbucks existing right next to my Local Yarn Shop.
 I'm thankful for my high school buddy Kath.  She lives in LA but she's there whenever I need her.  I sent her these little dishcloths and some fun soap from LUSH. 
More thankfuls:

Ellen from San Fran. You make me laugh. 
I'm thankful for the knit connection.

I'm thankful for my electric throw. 
I'm under that baby almost every day while I watch TV and knit.
Pie gets under it with me.
Fezzik and Tank lay on top of it. 

I'm thankful for my little Honda Rhonda.
The girl has pushed past 100,000 miles and 
17 years of age. 
She runs like a sewing machine.....

I'm thankful for the library across the street. 
When we move, someday, I will miss that luxury. 

I'm thankful for gummi bears.
They are my new sweet go to 

and I'm thankful
that my LYS lets me write their knit blog. 

More thanks tomorrow. 


Teresa Kasner said…
I'm thankful for you - a true blue faithful blog friend that never fails to leave me a comment.

*H*A*P*P*Y* *T*H*A*N*K*S*G*I*V*I*N*G*!*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Unknown said…
So much to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Anonymous said…
That is some pretty good THANKS!

I'm thankful to have "met" you through blogging! Giroux is thankful that you have such cute cats! ;-)

Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Araignee said…
Passion tea? I've never had it. I must look into it. I wish I had one now.
Meredith said…
Well I can honestly say I am thankful for you, and your deep interest in Little Buddy, and of course your friendship too! By the way Ellen makes me laugh, I'd love to meet her.
Tired Teacher said…
I'm definitely thankful for my blogging friends & my knitting and sewing projects.

Hot tea is my favorite beverage.
Judy S. said…
Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy, to your whole family. Have a great celebration, and stay WARM!
Delighted Hands said…
Beautiful post! Blogging friends are a real blessing!
I am really interested in that wonderful tea! I also have never tried it, as usually I order coffee in Starbucks.

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