Gone but not Forgotten ...Great memories

 Side by Side socks are my go to.  I'm thankful to Jan who taught me to knit socks way back.  Enough said.  Socks are socks and some of us love them  (ahem DEE) but they don't provide much in the way of blog chat now do they?

The cowl HUDSON by Quince and Co got a little time on the Three Bags Full Corner Blog this week.
Purdy little thang.
The middle section is called the RICE stitch. 
I see that.  Looks like rice, right? 

Now that the radiators are warm and on for some of the day, I am thinking about my Rozzy.  We put her down last spring. She was our radiator girl, our party girl.  Miss you Rozzy.  Feel your prescence with us still.   
If you have to put a pet down, don't worry.
You won't replace or forget them. 
You will get to a place where all the memories are good!
You will let others into your heart.
Each unique, each bringing joy,
what a gift they are!


Linda said…
I so so want to learn how to knit socks! First I want to get a handle on dpn's! - which I just can't seem to do - no matter how often I try!! Love that cowl....
I agree with you - our pets never leave our homes as they always stay in our "hearts"....

Linda in VA
Tired Teacher said…
The best knitting skill I ever learned was knitting socks with circular needles.
Sue said…
Socks are my favorite knit; I almost always have a pair going. And, you are so right about pets. My old Buddy is still "here"--I can feel him (and sometimes hear him jump off my bed upstairs--no kidding). We have Elvis now (a pug) and Presley (a boxer), and I don't love them any less. Same goes for my cats (I might be able to get by without a dog, but I couldn't live without a cat).
I love that cowl!
Teresa Kasner said…
After the mental anguish one pair of socks caused me.. one at a time.. I can't imagine doing two at once. You're so right about animals in ones life.. we still talk about our big dog Butch.. a cross between a Great Dane and St. Bernard.. and my pretty Lucy.. my last kitty cat. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Araignee said…
What a sweet memory for you! Dear Rozzy was such a special kitty.
Stefanie said…
Those are like strawberry colors. I'm glad you have sock therapy. Sorry your beloved pet had to be put down. But I bet what a great and loved life it had with you.
WildflowerWool said…
Pets do hold a special place in our hearts don't they? Great sock yarn.
I think that socks always have to be good! xx
Delighted Hands said…
I could look at socks every day on the blog and not be bored! This yarn is beautiful! The cowl is going to be so warm and attractive! Nice work.
(Thanks for the kind words on the loss of a pet-I feel the loss greatly as its only been a month....)
Anonymous said…
Socks, socks, and MORE socks .....that's MY plan. LOL

But, now that I have a kitty it's socks, kitty, socks, kitty! Hopefully I shall never run out of blog fodder.
karen said…
Your pet sounds like a wonderful being. My Zoe was always curled up on the corner of the couch, I can think of her and remember the good times. Love your socks and I'm glad someone taught you as well. I love knitting so much! I cannot imagine a day without it.
Caffeine Girl said…
I never get tired of making or looking at or talking about socks. And they are so practical to boot (pun intended!). I have a few pairs started that I'll get back to after gifting season is over.
I had to put down one cat because he kept scratching and biting people -- but I adored him. I missed him all the time!
Kathy, I think socks make invigorating blog content. I love Quince patterns. Very much up my alley. Your cowl is looking fab, rice stitch and all!

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