I'm still knitting the socks. 
I'm in the homestretch but they are going to get a day off. 
After I knit the hat I showed you yesterday, I washed it and it bloomed.  
It has the softest most wonderful fuzz to it. 
However, the brim is not tight enough.
It's a fail in the hat department that's for sure. 

I did go up a needle size with the body, but clearly the brim needed to be on two sizes smaller needles.

Never fear.  
It is going to become a gift of unparelled proportion for my vet. 
She has a guinea pig and I hear they love to hide in such things. 
Her guinea was a dump. 
Someone said they found him....
really?  Like where?
On the side of the road after escaping from a child's bedroom and unlocking all the house doors?
She took him in. 

I cast on an ordinary garter scarf in the same yarn and I will knit it and it will bloom.  
It will be soft and fuzzy and perfect for a child to wear. 
It is a garter day here. 
and it's a good day to be a rescued guinea pig.

(photo from ACUTEADAY)


Kim in Oregon said…
I love the color of the socks!
What a great idea for a hat! I was going to suggest you take in the brim a bit (I do this a lot) but I think the guinea pig house suggestion is much better!
Tired Teacher said…
I can't stand yarn that blooms! I wonder what causes it?
Unknown said…
Oh, that's pretty sweet.
Caffeine Girl said…
What a great idea for your failed hat. Your vet will love it, I'm sure, and chuckle a bit!
Araignee said…
Isn't that just adorable. Lucky critter!
Meredith said…
That is one lucky little pig.
Judy S. said…
Lucky little GP! Jill's family has a GP named Amy which came home with them from family camp a year ago.....
Anonymous said…
Love your paragraph on the guinea pig ---uh yeah.....FOUND it????? I'm guessing not.

One of our piggies was a rescue from an elementary school. He was so malnourished he was BALD when we got him. All they fed him was lettuce! (Really --- some people should NOT be permitted to own an animal......or a CHILD!)

A few months of good food and he was the most handsome of our piggies and was always a little love!

The wooly hat will make a perfect little hideout.
Delighted Hands said…
Yay, for pets nests! Great idea. Socks are looking good!
Teresa Kasner said…
You could sew a thin strand of elastic through the brim on that hat and it will pull it in. But it would also be a nice gift for a piggie. My daughter has two of them and I made crochet piggie babies.. do you remember? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Tahnee said…
Sad to hear the brim of the hat didn't work out, but you're making that guinea very happy indeed.
Stefanie said…
How trippy! A guinea pig would love a hideaway in a beanie? That's neat.
Stefanie said…
Oh, and I've had that happen where the ribbing expanded after a washing. I still got some use out of that beanie but when I tried it on recently, it seems too big.

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