Fyber Monday

 I'm in love with this mini teeny tiny sweater. 
Time will tell if I knit one. 
 Would an elf say it itches?

 For someone who has used an artificial tree for years, I am very obsessed with Fetch the Tree images.

I love the idea of the stars, but the great thing about Ravelry is,
there were some OOPS photos reviews. 
I won't be trying this.  

 I'll be looking for Fiber deals today on Fyber Monday. 

*on a side note, my sweet mom said a few lovely things last night. 
Among them: "God is listening!" 
The angel in her already has her wings.


Betsy said…
What a sweet little sweater! I bet that uses some tiny needles. :-). Enjoy your fiber Monday. I don't plan on shopping at all today.
Blessings, Betsy
Caroline said…
Oh that sweater is adorable, and yes - hopefully wouldn't cause the elf to complain after all of the hard work and love that went into knitting it :-)
Meredith said…
A beautiful message for you from your Mom Kathy, an early present I would say.
Hugs to you,
Bridget said…
That sweater is adorable, and I like the star! But if the "reviews" aren't good, yes, skip it!

What a lovely thing from your mother. God bless her.
Unknown said…
The sweater is so cute. I made several one year for tree ornaments, and they didn't take much time at all.
Teresa Kasner said…
What a cute tiny sweater.. I hope you try one. My DIL would love that VW Bus phone cover.. she has a VW Bus.. and we had one.. it was my first car.. a brand new 1970 VW Campmobile in RED. Oh the memories.

*H*A*P*P*Y* * *H*O*L*I*D*A*Y*S*!*!*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Tired Teacher said…
Love the mini sweater and have been tempted several times to knit one - perhaps one day. . .

What a comfort to hear that phrase from your Mom.
susan said…
I'm in love with that sweater! Wish it came in my size.
What sweet words from your mother.
Hi Kathy, thank you for your comment at mine about the swap, I cannot find your e-mail right now, but can you e-mail me at lovemademyhome at gmail dot com and we will swap addresses. Thank you! Amy xx p.s. love that little sweater, too cute!! xx
Araignee said…
Sweet sweater! I've always wanted to do a tree full of them but never get around to it. I suppose the cats would just eat them anyway.
Oh, sweet Mom. It's amazing what comes out of the mouths of those who are not quite with us anymore. I am grateful for a peek into Daddio's new world and to know he is finally at peace there. His long struggle to stay in this world was so hard to watch.
Delighted Hands said…
Lovely knit ornaments; pretty sure my miniature days are over tho. Always listen to your mom....
Ingrid K. said…
Hi Kathy! What an adorable little sweater, so cute! :) Isn't it amazing? It reminds me of my dear grandma who knitted such tiny jumpers for my dolls! I couldn't knit at that time, but I learned to crochet and she inspired me to crochet clothes for my dolls!! I'm thankful for such early introduction to making!!!

Have a nice week!
Ingrid xx
karen said…
cute sweater and an elf is used to wool, he/she lives at the north pole. Your mom is sweet!!
Judy S. said…
Hug your mom for me, would you please? So what did you find on Cyber Monday? I just saw Opal's yarny Advent calendar but am resisting. I gave up on knitting/sewing tiny stuff when one of the Barbie outfits went down the hole in the sewing machine! No more itty bitty projects!
A sweater is super cute! A wonderful present from a north pole)

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