Black Friday Fun


Some love to shop. 
If you are one of them have a fun safe day!

There are a few stores I love to shop, but they are really few.

*I love any knit shop
of course

*Book stores

*Cheesy tourist gift shops

*the hospital gift shop is awesome

*Walgreens....I don't know why. I can get lost there for a good hour.

*the jewelry store around the corner only sells silver and very inexpensive designs

*Free standing stores are okay. 
I don't like malls, I don't like "shopping centers" 

As for me, On Black Friday I'll be knitting. 
Enjoy the movie.
I switch from throwing to picking ....if you want to try to catch the change....


Kim in Oregon said…
I'm knitting too (and watching football!)
KSD said…
I worked too many Black Fridays at the jewelry store with my father --- no way I'm getting out in it.

Football and knitting here, too. And a head cold.
Tired Teacher said…
I try to avoid the big stores from mid-November to mid-January. I love to browse the aisles of Walgreens, too.
Unknown said…
I see you're doing some speed-knitting. Impressive. LOL. I'm not out shopping today - too much craziness, and the roads are too slick. Knitting sounds like the perfect plan.
Teresa Kasner said…
I have never once gone shopping on Black Friday. I have been offended by the whole idea of it from the first I heard of it. We're having turkey leftovers in a bit and hanging out and relaxing. I might put a few rows in my Hitchhiker shawlette. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
We ended up going to Wal-Mart of all places. Our television died this morning. We got a good deal on a new one AND it wasn't all that busy. I was VERY surprised.

I hate Wal-Mart on the BEST of days, but we got a very helpful sales person in electronics AND the checkout went smoothly. SURPRISE!
Meredith said…
As for me I had to go to Target, but not for Christmas stuff I needed a shelf for my garage. Because as I am supposed to be resting my back I put up decorations, and straightened my garage, trimmed little one's hair, and then finally sat down to knit. No Black Friday running around for me, staying home is running around enough.
Delighted Hands said…
I'm not a shopper either-I am quick even in my beloved fabric stores but the yarn shop makes me linger!
Betsy said…
It's my first time visiting you from over at Teresa's blog and it seems we have a lot in common. I don't shop on Black Friday either. My husband and I were just discussing that today. I don't think I've ever gone out on this day. He and I both know I detest shopping unless it's yarn stores, tourist/vacation shopping and, believe it or not, Walgreens! I find this coincidence hilarious. I spent the day knitting mittens.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the visit and sweets! You may have noticed from the picture posted we ate 2 before you were out of the hospital! Love you! Find any goodies at the gift shop before you left?
Araignee said…
The only shopping I did yesterday was online. I try never to shop from Thanksgiving to Christmas. If I can't get it online, I don't get it. I hate crowds and long lines even more. I agree with you on hospital gift shops. They are always full of great things.
Black Friday isn't as crazy up here (though it's creeping up...) but I prefer to stay home and knit. Which is just what I did! I work in marketing... and they really aren't the best sales... it's all just hype.
Judy S. said…
Went to the grocery store out of necessity and made a quick stop at a fabric store. That was it for me.

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