Alphabet soup

 1. A is for amazing that this knitter at my LYS can knit this on straights.   Crazytown right?  It is a top down for her grandaughter.
 2. B is for Book.  I'm reading this one.  
3. C is for Coffee and I'm on my 3rd cuppa
4. D is for darn that sorbitol.  I had some gum yesterday and my stomach was a mess.  
5. E is for elated to have no where to go on this snowy wintery day
6. F is for first fire in the fireplace tonight!
7. G is for Glorious first snowfall
8. H is for Harry Potter.  Have you seen the illustrated book? 
9. I is for Ina Garten.  I have two of her books and love them. 
10. J is for James and the Giant Peach
11. K is for Dr. K's Exotic Animal show.  I'm addicted.
12. L is for lights.  In this dark time of year when our sunsets at 4:30 I love holiday lights. 
13. M is for M and M's  I dont eat them anymore. I used to freeze them and Eat them.  M is for marshmallows my go to now. 
14. N is for Now that's a perfect tree in the snow.  Seriously, untouched unedited.  
15. O is for Ohio where I lived for two years.  Oh I was homesick at Miami of Ohio
16. P is for Purl.  I prefer to knit.  
17. Q is for Q tip.  I use them in my ears even though they say you shouldnt
18. R is for Really?  You stayed with me this long?  If you made it this far Leave me a comment.  You are in the contest.  
Because you deserve a prize.
19. S is for snickerdoodles.  
20. T is for Thanksgiving of course and Turkey. 
21. U is for under armour.  Good stuff
22. V is for  very nearly done here and it wasn't easy
23. W is for Wondra.  The only flour my mom used in gravy ..ever
24. X is for Xrays.  I stood for many many and xray in my career with a lead apron on.  
25. Y is for Yarn of course. 
26. Z is for Zach , oops , A should for Allison then...


Kim in Oregon said…
I LOVE this post with every fiber of my being! Will do the same on a day that I have nothing to write for NaBloPoMo!
Anonymous said…
I am right there with you on sorbitol. Well, any of the sugar alcohols really. They are all bad for my tummy.

I wish that food manufacturers would be more up front about what was in their food. Now they hide ingredients by their chemical name in VERY small print. :-(
KSD said…
E is for envious. I want some snow, too.
Linda said…
I adored this post! And I'm gonna steal it for my blog soon!!

Linda in VA
Teresa Kasner said…
That was fun! Count me in on the middle of the alphabet surprise! I like straight needles better, myself! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Suburban prep said…
If you knit in the round there is no need to purl (most of the time).
I think we are getting a bit too much snow for the first of the season. I had wanted to go to Three Bags but not going to in this stuff.
My sister stated that her daughter loves snow and they are coming for Thanksgiving. They live in South Florida now. They moved there a few years ago and my nieces misses the snow. She so wants to move back to Chicagoland.
Tahnee said…
Haha, this post cracked me up! Why would you freeze M&M's though?
Tired Teacher said…
Another fun post.

Snow on the ground here, and it was below Zero this morning, so my "B" would be Brrrr!
susan said…
What a fun post! Frozen m & m's - haven't had them in years, but oh, so good. Love the snow. It's still 50 degrees here in NY but going into the twenties every night in the upcoming week. Great Hunkering down weather, isn't it.
Sandra said…
I enjoy all your posts very much. I spent the first 30 years of my life on the North Shore, maybe not too far from where you are!
Katherine said…
A is for amazing--and Allison is!

Fun post I'm a lover of Under Armor also.
Sue said…
Yay! for Christmas lights, m&ms, beautiful golden trees, knitting (rather than purling), good books, and SNOW!

Loved reading this fun post.♥
Araignee said…
I saw your snow on the weather channel...awesome!!! My neighbor's house is all decked out in lights tonight. And when did it start getting dark so early? For the first time ever I am hating the short days. Oh...and I use q tips too. What else for itchy ears?
Judy S. said…
Our GK called last night with the SNOW news and played outside from 7:30 AM on today; we, however, just had our first frost yesterday! Frosty rooftops both then and today. At this time of year when the skies are clear, it gets cold at night. Sometimes we even get snow!
SissySees said…
You are so cute. I miss you! I wish you were going to Mistletoe Market with me. I'm sure we'd have a ball. Wondra and Under Armour are staples around here too.
Delighted Hands said…
I so enjoyed this post this morning! Thank you. I haven't heard of Wondra flour-nice to know.
I love Dark M & M's....they help me count rows! I gave up gum 4 years ago when I had a flare up of TMJ and never went back to it. Enjoy your indoors and knitting!
karen said…
the book looks like a good one and I loved reading your alphabet list fleshed out :)
Mo said…
I love the tree in your photo for this post. The tree and its leaves almost looks like it has been painted into the photo. Of course, it could be my computer screen too.

The alpha list was fun today. I thought F was going to be Fezzik the furry wonder kitty.

I hope you are enjoying your new spindle and fiber from araignee. I'm very new to using a spindle but I really do like it.
Jennifer said…
What a great post. Several years ago (maybe 7 or 8) there was a blog-along where every 2 weeks you were supposed to post a picture for a letter of the alphabet. ABC-along I think it was called. It was really fun to do - and see on everyone's blog. I think it should be resurrected! You did a great job.
Stefanie said…
How the heck does she knit raglan top-down on straights? Seeing that first photo, it looked like a turkey sweater, LOL. Loved reading through your alphabet list.

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