All Over the Place this Monday

 Well good Monday Morn! 
Let's start with a sock finish.  
I'm pretty sure I should have upped the needles size by at least one.
I felt like I was wrestling the stitches, especially on the purl side of the heel flap.  
They won't let a breeze in that's for certain.
 I loved everything about  our snowfall on Friday and Saturday.
Gloriously draped on each branch and bough,  sure to chase even the Scroogiest away..
This naughty boy drags the draft stopper all over the house.
My leftover sock yarn tube became useful this weekend. 
I stuffed it.
Like a turkey...

Random number generator picked Debbie fair and square in my little contest this weekend. 
Yes, I know she just sent me my first spindle EVER, just because.
The Knit gods spoke and returned the favor. 
Deb of Araignee, look for little goodies to come your way later in the week. 

I'm all about practicality with my knits these days. 
The draft stop was just too itchy to be anything else. 
I've vowed:
no more pretty scarves or sweaters that itch
no hats that make my scalp crawl
wool is for feet and for fingerless at my house

Cotton here I come. 


Kim in Oregon said…
Cotton is just not that cozy for me (and it hurts if you knit a lot)--unless it is cotton with something else to make it easier to work with and more stretchy.
Donna Boucher said…
Sock yarn tube as draft stopper. That's genius! Starting it today!!!!
Caroline said…
I love the draft stopper - what an awesome idea. I like the kitty as the draft stopper even better, what a little love!
Tired Teacher said…
Congratulations on the sock finish: they look great. A dense heel is a good thing.

Knitting with cotton always makes my hands ache.
Unknown said…
Yea, on the sock finish!! Have you tried knitting and wearing alpaca? Or a fine merino wool / silk blend?? They are pretty fine!
Araignee said…
OMG....look at that SNOW!!!! We use old towels in front of the doors and the cats still drag them away. They knocked over the giant gingerbread house that I am working on last night. No real damage but boy was I mad.

Looking forward to the goodies when you are able to hitch up the dog sled to mush out to the post office!
Teresa Kasner said…
I doubt that draft stopper will ever stop a draft if that big ol' kitty has decided it's his toy. How nice of you to make that just for him! Love your snow pix.. sure does put one in the holiday spirit, doesn't it? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anne said…
Beautiful socks, love the colour.
elns said…
The snowy scene is so pretty. And that cat looks like he boss of everyone. hehe. I'm a fan of your sock yarn draft blocker too!
Tahnee said…
I'm so jealous of all that beautiful snow! The socks are looking great!
Delighted Hands said…
The socks will keep the draft from your feet-nice! Your cat is a beauty and I am glad he likes the toy you made 'him' !
karen said…
I am so jealous you have snow...and I do not. Lovely socks and I love their photo shoot :)
Judy S. said…
Nice snowy pictures! Only rain here...... Love that sock yarn color; what is it? Have a great Thanksgiving celebration!!

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