Traveling Scarf!

 It's a drizzly rainy cold Halloween in Chicago.
We lit our pumpkins outside last night so the neighbors could enjoy them.
We will try again today if the rain lets up.
 Kim organized a traveling scarf and it arrived today. 
Perfect day for me to look for the sock yarn I want to contribute to it. 
She sends the needles along...very smart idea. 
She also sent me a lovely blue project bag.
I LOVE tie dyed anything.
Have you tried Lux Luxurious Lavender Lotion.
Thanks to Kim, I have and its thick and wonderful.
Love the scent too.

Thanks for putting up with all my Halloween posts.  
There was a TRICk this week that happened.
I was stopped at a busy intersection on a rain afternoon. 
Suddenly I heard loud popping sounds hitting my car. 
I thought , WHat in the world?
A flock of scared geese had flown over and pooped ALL over my car. 
I mean ALL Over it. 
I had to laugh.
It was like being paintballs pelleting my little honda. 
Off to the wash we went. 
So many Treats and a Trick this week!
Any tricks by you?


Tired Teacher said…
Please share more about the traveling scarf.

Yikes, the geese certainly tricked you!
Teresa Kasner said…
What a funny story about the geese.. ucky!

*H*A*P*P*Y* *H*A*L*L*O*W*E*E*N*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)
KSD said…
Actually, it was Vicki from knitorious who sent the bag (which I'm positived she dyed herself; she's amazing) and the lotion. But those ARE my needles. Have fun!!

For me, a little rain, a little chill make it feel more like Halloween. Enjoy your trick-or-treaters.
Araignee said…
Too funny! Poor Honda. Daughter just paid a fortune to have her new (white) Volvo cleaned because she let poop stay on for too long and it wasn't coming off. The dealer said poop is the worst for your paint. Love the idea of the scarf. In fact, I did that myself and then turned it into legwarmers because sock yarn, however soft on the feet, gave me neck itchies.
Happy Halloween!
Delighted Hands said…
What a fun post! So much fun to receive a pkg like that! Yes, fill us in on the traveling scarf-neat.
Anonymous said…
I am SO disappointed. We only have five trick-or-treaters tonight. I guess they all go to parties or to Trunk-Or-Treat at the local churches.

Some years I went though over 15 bags of candy. Tonight we didn't even use up ONE! :-(

Oh well we are on to my FAVORITE holiday......Thanksgiving.

Your pumpkins are adorable. I hope you got to light them up tonight.

Sorry about the goose attack. LOL I bet for a moment it was quite scary.
Unknown said…
OH my...getting "paint-balled" the birds....YUCK. Hope you had a Happy Halloween.
SissySees said…
You are SUCH a good sport! Only you can make a natural "disaster" Mother Nature's idea of a Halloween trick. I'm glad you got some treats too!

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