Three Things......

1. This photo won't win any contests, but the cake is to die for. 

Someone posted it on Facebook: 
spray your crock pot or line with parchment 

Cut up two sticks butter
add 2 packages yellow cake mix
add 2 cans apple pie filling

Cook on low for 6 hours. 

It is amazingly good. 
Perfect with a cuppa coffee.

  You could glaze it for a better look. 
I didn't use parchment so mine isn't shaped too well. 

 Doesn't matter.
It's amazing. 

2. Tank says, don't even think about dressing me up for Halloween. 
He is a cat's cat. 
and that's that. 

on Facebook is my nephew and his wife's site. 
They make unwanted furniture charming.
Go see!


Unknown said…
I've got to try that crockpot recipe!! Sounds delicious. I'm like costumes for me!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE Uncle Tank. He's my kind of cat!

No costume for Giroux either ......he says he is going as a CAT for Halloween!
Judy S. said…
Tank looks good as is!
elns said…
Such a fabulous photo of Tank. Such a handsome cat! He looks so soft, but he also looks like does not want me to even think about giving him a hug right now. hehe.
Tired Teacher said…
Tank is handsome! Is he guarding the Halloween candy?
Patty said…
Cake sounds fab!!!
Araignee said…
Mmmmm....cake. That kitty is really giving you the face. What a charmer.
Delighted Hands said…
I just might try the cake! Thanks. The cat is the boss! Obey him.
I will check out their site!
Sheri Karobonik said…
I need to try the cake recipie..

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