October Chewy Post

 This month Chewy sent us 30 Day Never Scoop. 
The cats liked it. 
I just can't get past knowing there is urine in there for a month.
I'm a diligent scooper. 
I liked its NON smell. 
We may try this again. 
You only scoop stool and you don't scoop urine. 
 The price is right at the store. 
I dunno.
THe nurse in me has to let it go.

We've tried litters in the past.
We usually use easy scoop Arm and Hammer.
I just don't like the smell of it even unused.

So THanks Chewy. I think I'm going to be a believer in 30 Day Never Scoop. 

This boy is feeling 100% again after his nuetering. 
We missed his chirping for a whole week. 
He never started marking and he made it to 8 months before we altered him.  We hope his growth plates were give ample time to  close. 
His breeder says he will get even bigger now. 
He's just a big hunk of sweetness. 


KSD said…
I guess I didn't get on the Chewy list. I was told I'd been put on, but haven't heard since.
Delighted Hands said…
I have a list robot: I empty once a week. My son bought it when he lived in an apartment with two cats. I was gifted the two cats when he married and wife is allergic to cats! Lol
Araignee said…
Happy to hear the good kitty news. He is sure a beautiful boy. We use the cheapest clay litter Walmart sells. I can't stand the clumping stuff. It smells worse than dirty cat litter to me. I will have to look into that 30 day litter. I am a big fan of Simple Solutions for odor control products.
Teresa Kasner said…
That is one cute feline. The whole litter thing is why I have given up having cats. But I did love my last one. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
What a big handsome beast he is!
Judy S. said…
He reminds me of Garfield! What a pretty cat.

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