I'm fine, really I am.

 Let's not dwell on that silly game of Baseball on this glorious fall morning.
 Time to embrace football, hockey and basketball.
 My knitting was as wonky as the Cubs last night.
I ripped out Zach's hat because I couldnt live with how it looked when he wore it. 
Hat remake: in progress.
Are you moving on? 


karen said…
what was wrong with the hat? I don't watch baseball so I'm not sad about anything baseball related. Now those yellow trees are GLORIOUS. I'm knitting the ribbing of my sweater!!!
Delighted Hands said…
Who could be sad with a beautiful view like this?! Sorry about the hat; aren't you glad yarn is re-usable!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah ...........I'm moving right into hockey season. My baseball season ended a LONG time before yours did. LOL

Suburban prep said…
I am keeping track of the college football team I follow.
The Cubs got pretty far perhaps Next year as the saying goes.
Kim in Oregon said…
Stupid Mets. Love how the flowers match the pumpkins.
Bridget said…
I'm moving on (and I hope whoever the AL team is beats the Mets). Right now I'm just enjoying fall, and getting ready for Halloween. That's all I need to be happy at the moment, you know?
Tired Teacher said…
Aren't the colors of Autumn gorgeous.mi love to walk through leaves in the yard or on the sidewalk: it brings back so many wonderful memories.
Pammy Sue said…
I was disappointed when I saw they had lost again last night too. Would have been so exciting to see them in the WS. Ah well... Lovely fall photos!
susan said…
Oh, dear. I'm from NY so you can guess who I was rooting for though I must admit, I can't bare to see anyone lose.
Love your autumn-y pictures, so beautiful.
Happy knitting and happy fall! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. Fun to find yours as well!
Teresa Kasner said…
Wow, that first photo of the yellow leaves was something. Sorry for the loss.. have fun knitting! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Katherine said…
I am moving on! I am so over Halloween. I am NOT a Halloween person. If someone had not thought to invent Candy Corn it would be unbearable.

I said to my sad granddaughter yesterday, "They are the Cubs--you have to love them win or lose!"

I say when knitting won't behave, show it who is boss.
Hard to be sad with all that beauty around you
Judy S. said…
Sorry about that game, and now we have one to worry about tonight. Tell that hat of yours to behave! We are off to take care of M and S; wish us luck....... They are missing Mom already, and now Daddy is leaving!
Araignee said…
You've got the right attitude. There's always next year!
Unknown said…
Beautiful photos!
Meredith said…
Some of us had to move on a few weeks ago when it comes to basball. So sorry about the Cubs.

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