Five On Friday : Notes to Self

 Notes to Self:   (and to you ofcourse)
1. The Two Harbors Poncho knit up in Extra's Baby alpaca and merino is very popular at my LYS.  Seems everyone is knitting it....except me
2.  I'm Late to the Bateaux party. I cast on yesterday in an icy blue.  Note to self: need Sharper point needles as I continue this beauty. 

3. I reknit Zach's hat.  I found a double decrease crown pattern that makes the hat fit like a glove at the top. 
Note to self: Zach prefers slouch crowns!

4. I've joined Amy's Christmas card swap. 
Must find adorable card.

5. Note to self:
All of September and October have been picture perfect in my town this year. 
Outside every day and loving it. 

What's your NOTE to self today?


Note to self: you need more ponchos!
Teresa Kasner said…
Note to self: Make some doctor and dentist appts. But I don't wanna.
Katherine said…
Note to self: must knit Two Harbors Poncho--right after I finish this now dragging and driving me crazy baby blanket.
Unknown said…
Note to self: don't give a 3 year old a (loud) whistle, seriously, just made that mistake.
Unknown said…
Note to self: don't give a 3 year old a (loud) whistle, seriously, just made that mistake.
Suburban prep said…
I am about 3/4th finished with the Bianca Wrap by Blue Sky Alpaca. Found the pattern at Three Bags. They have the yarn too. So soft and so looking forward to wearing it.
Araignee said…
Note to self: Your driver's license is going to expire in a few weeks and you will NEVER pass the eye exam-you just squeaked by 5 years ago. Call the eye doc for an appointment asap.
Love that all ponchos.
KSD said…
Love, love, love the poncho. That it has a turtleneck is brilliant.
Anonymous said…
Note to myself today ----- Take time to find the joy!
Meredith said…
I think you need to make that poncho, you would love it.
Tired Teacher said…
Note to self: get off the computer and enjoy this gorgeous weather.
Delighted Hands said…
Note to self: don't be so hard on myself. It is ok not to produce very day and some days just admire the work of others.
kathy b said…
You made me laugh! We once gave our daughter a xylophone on Christmas morning...same idea
kathy b said…
Love that one Nancy!
kathy b said…
Absolutely. Some days need to just simmer, and not produce
Judy S. said…
Our note is to take a walk even though it's raining and we are wiped out from 2 1/2 days of babysitting the GK! (We just got back so can check that note off!) Also need to find an appetizer for tomorrow's early evening get-together with an old friend who now lives in NM. Any suggestions?

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