Change in Plans

 The first Jack O lantern has been carved and lit. Change of plans: No Cubs theme for this years pumpkins..dont' want nightmares

The Downey has been visiting the suet feeder daily.  Change in plans, keep buying suet from Aldi, they love it. 
 Originally loved the look of this yarn.
Change in plans, not planning to buy it. 
Didn't like the way I saw it knit up.

Can't resist Leslie's Halloween stitch markers.
Change in plans: will have to buy some!

Any change in your plans today?


Teresa Kasner said…
That yarn is so pretty.. wish you'd shown how it knit up.. I love crazy wild colors. Change in plans.. I want to go to a spinning event.. but I am tired.. might just stay home. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Unknown said…
Was planning to make spaghetti for dinner....going to Olive Garden instead.
Unknown said…
Was planning to make spaghetti for dinner....going to Olive Garden instead.
KSD said…
Nope. Not really. Pretty much doing what I thought I'd be doing today.

It's so aggravating when the yarn doesn't look like you want. If only there were swatches available for every yarn available. HEY! Business idea --- you and I test yarns!! K & K!!!
kathy b said…
I will post it tomorrrow for you
Araignee said…
My entire life is a change of plans. I never get to go in the direction I intend. There are so many things I need to get done and I'm continually sidetracked. It's a good thing I'm flexible-maybe that's the problem. Right now, I am going to sit and knit and I will NOT change those plans. I'm pooped.
Delighted Hands said…
very funny! I love the look of that yarn, too! Are you sure it won't knit up beautifully!?
Katherine said…
Our Downeys love Aldi's suet too! There's a lot about Aldi to love. I buy all of the ground turkey that I cook for the pups at Aldi.
That yarn is wonderful. I would probably have bought it and hoped for the best.
Anonymous said…
That yarn is so pretty in the hank. It's a shame it didn't look nice knit up.

Most of the day went as planned. Steve and I helped Stephen pack up his kitchen. He gave us two nice bar stools. Change in plan........they are the wrong height for our counter. :-( Off to Goodwill they will go.
Leslie said…
Thanks for the sweet compliment! You know where to find me for more!
Tahnee said…
The yarn looks very pretty, but variegated yarns can indeed be tricky when they look all pretty wound up in a skein, but are just too chaotic knit up.
Mrs. Micawber said…
Was hoping to ride on this sunny Sunday but a bum shoulder is telling me "better not". Will probably take a walk instead.

Too bad how so many yarns look better in the hank than worked up!
Tired Teacher said…
I was lazy today, so plans were non-existent.

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