I'm picking up where Channon left off on her Thankful THORSDAY, Little Friday posts. 

Thankful for the birthday yarn from AL: My First Regia in blues.
Thanks for bringing me back around to socks. 
Next up: Viking Mini Raggen Sock Yarn from Katherine.

 Thankful for our little tomato harvest. 
Thanks Chicago Botanic Gardens for the tomato plant giveaway in June. 

So much more to be thankful for:

my $1.29 package of Cosmos seeds from Walgreens yielded these double cosmos beauties.  

the free pint of Culvers' frozen custard from Lifesource Blood for our donations last night

the lovely cool sleeping weather 

Siri....she sends messages for me so I can safely drive 

And YOU! 


elns said…
The baby socks look fantastic! The tomatoes and flowers are beautiful too. It's good to be grateful, Kathy! Thanks!
Linda said…
Cute baby socks!! And we too are enjoying fresh garden grown maters!

Linda in VA
Tired Teacher said…
You have an impressive list of thankfuls. Today, I am very thankful for my acupuncturist: she has made it possible for me to walk without pain and chew without my jaw constantly popping. I'm a happy camper!
Bonny said…
Those socks are adorable and your cosmos are beautiful. That's $1.29 well spent! I'll be incredibly grateful for rain and cooler sleeping weather; I'd be deliriously happy if we got both!
Araignee said…
The Cosmos are lovely. I put a package in the ground a few years ago and they keep coming back. Cool sleeping weather? Lucky you!!!
Caffeine Girl said…
Awww, I'm thankful for you, too!
Judy S. said…
Love those baby socks! Your cosmos are amazing, too. And the tomatoes are impressive; no matter what kind of tomato plants we tried, they always turned out to be itty bitty, so we finally gave up. It's too cool here although this would have been THE year to try it since our weather has been so crazy. Looks like we'll be coming your way at the end of September.....
Anonymous said…
Yum! Home grown tomatoes are the BEST!
Unknown said…
I love the baby socks too! They are so cute. And love some yummy tomatoes...what will you do with them?

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