Brought to You by the Friendly Confines of Wrigley Field

 Our guest blogger is a Wrigley Field employee.
He was happy to oblige and hold my knitting for a photo for you. 
The Heaven's opened up and there was a HUGE storm. 

 I clung to my little baby socks and we were safe. 

The entire afternoon and evening will be long remembered! 


Lynn said…
I was thinking about you last night, I had a cousin there too. Did you stay until the end?
kathy b said…
Are you CRAZY? no. We stayed until about 9. Lightening, thunder. We stayed dry though . our seats were behind third base/outfield and the wind was in our favor. Fireman figured we paid 120 per inning. We stayed for 2 innings. BUT IT WAS WILD FUN
Donna Boucher said…
Oh man!!! Exciting!
elns said…
Whoa I hope you were knitting with wooden needles hehe. Baseball + Knitting = zee best.
WildflowerWool said…
Sounds like a crazy night
Bonny said…
I wonder what the Wrigley Field employee is writing on his blog today?! Maybe a top ten list of the strangest things he's ever been asked to hold. I think knitting is the best part of baseball, and am glad you and your socks were safe.
Anonymous said…
Did you finally get to see the game or was it cancelled.

It's funny about people holding our knitting.......most people really get a kick out of it. LOL
Tired Teacher said…
I love it! I've knit at a few Colorado Rockies games, but never thought to ask anyone to hold my knitting for a photo.

Glad you stayed safe and dry.
Araignee said…
That guy with the knitting is just too funny. Too bad about the nasty weather but it did make for an exciting adventure once you made it through to tell the tale!
Unknown said…
Yikes! Glad you made it out safely!!
Caffeine Girl said…
Personally, I'm buying into this climate change stuff! We have had so many intense storms this summer.

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