Baby Blankets and Banana Bread and Boob Tube

 I had to make banana bread.
We had two overripe bananas on the counter. 
I pick any recipe I find with buttermilk as an ingredient. 
I think the best banana breads are buttermilk based.
This one cooked low and slow .....90 minutes at 300 degrees. 
I cannot find the exact recipe I used. 

The baby blanket is moving slowly but still moving. 
I knit 4 colors worth over Saturday's journey to Madison and back. 
I'm really liking how it is turning out. 

I am hopelessly addicted to American Ninja Warrior this summer. 
Go SamSann!!
The little stories they lead with before the event 
totally sucked me in this summer. 
Fireman got me hooked. 
My father called the TV the boob tube. 

On with Vegas folks.  
The finals are next week. 
Did anything trap you this summer???


Suburban prep said…
I am constantly making banana something. Bananas go ripe or too ripe too fast. I get the green ones from Marianos too. I usually end up freezing a number of them when they get too ripe and I make banana- pumpkin bread, banana cream cheese frosted cake and I just make banana- zucchini bread.
My father still calls it the boob tube. He loves it for his sports though. He loves football so it is coming upon his season.
Lynn said…
I have been told if you seperate the bananas from the bunch so they are individual, if you wrap the stems in plastic wrap, they will keep fresh for weeks. Worth a try.
Meredith said…
Okay I think I am all caught up reading your posts, my goodness you are crazy busy for a retired person! Love the knitting, the market, the cat bag and the flower.
Hugs to you,
Bonny said…
You certainly have the alliterative Bs covered, and the best part is that you can simultaneously eat banana bread while working on the baby blanket and watching the boob tube!
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah......loving American Ninja Warrior! I am AMAZED at what the short people can do! Sometimes they have to make quite a leap to get to the obstacles.

Football has sucked me in to. When I have nothing else to watch, I know I can find something I like on the NFL network.
Teresa Kasner said…
We went cuckoo for Poldark. It was way too short of a season. All the things we love have ridiculously short seasons. Downton Abbey, The White Queen, Game of Thrones, The Vikings, etc. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Unknown said…
Love American Ninja Warrior too! Some of the stories are inspiring. The baby blanket is beautiful.
Araignee said…
I love banana bread. Love. Love. Love.
That blanket looks fantastic. I love how the colors are working out.
I didn't find any summer tv that kept my attention. I tried Zoo, The Whispers, Jonathan Strange and even Poldark but they didn't stick.
My college boy got me hooked on that show. My younger son hated when I would yell at the screen, go, go, go. I so wanted them to get to the top when they were so close, and then they would lose their grip and fall. So heartbreaking.
karen said…
nothing has caught my eye on the tv so far. I love to go through tv shows on netflix and we are currently watching 3rd rock from the sun and it's quite funny after all these years :)
I tried a new banana bread recipe recently that is made with plain yogurt and it was very good. Probably a similar taste to buttermilk banana bread. There's always baseball on our TV in the summer. I like to keep track of my team, even when they have no chance of making the playoffs.
KSD said…
I had a student a few years back who made the best banana bread I have ever eaten. As an end-of-the-quarter gift, she gave me a loaf, and its recipe. <3
Blanket is looking good.

Evenings in the garden with my cats are my new thing. We just sit in the grass and hang out for an hour or so.
Unknown said…
The banana bread, one of my favorites, looks soooo delicious.

The baby blanket colors kind of remind me of summer sunsets. Very nice!!

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