Wordless Wednesday


Tired Teacher said…
Quite a agile and willy squirrel you have there!
Vera said…
Love the squirrel picture - too funny. And what a BIG cat in the last photo. Reminds me of the 25 lb cat I had when I was in high school!
elns said…
I'm with Vera, that squirrel picture is hysterical, but honestly I love all these photos. I think we need to have a Lego photoshoot at my apartment. :)
Caffeine Girl said…
Your Wednesday looks lovely and peaceful, aside from the Star Wars battle going on!
Katherine said…
I love it!! What a wonderful photo blog. I think your squirrel is related to ours. They are from an acrobatic family. Cute cats, beautiful flowers and Storm Troopers--no words necessary!
Meredith said…
Anonymous said…
WOW! That is one BIG kitty!

Love the little Storm Troopers!
Janet said…
Looks like a nice Wednesday.
Araignee said…
Great boogly woogly! That is a monster cat!
knitterbeader said…
Love all the pictures, but especially the one of the acrobatic squirrel!!
Unknown said…
Fun post! I have a squirrel just like that at my house.
Unknown said…
Love the squirrel picture. I have chipmunks doing similar acrobatic moves for the bird seed here. Funny to watch! A sweet picture of Pie. Yeah, but I agree that's one big kitty in the last picture. I like the stacked rocks on the beach too...ah, wish I was there.
Love that crafty squirrel - cool feeder too!
Judy S. said…
Great photos! Who needs words? That's a pretty limber squirrel; hope he stays out of your garden.

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