Today, A Finger Puppet.

 I don't know what came over me. 
I made a bunny finger puppet. 
I found the basis in the book:  30 min-knits by Carol Meldrum. 
No less than two of you posted bunnies in your yards today on your blog posts.  I think you inspired me.  
I completely enjoyed this one. ....
Just Sayin, there may be more. 

 For the more serious knitters out there I have to say I touched this yarn yesterday at my LYS.  It is beyond soft.  100% Super Baby Alpaca.  Too bad I can't wear alpaca next to my skin without erupting in a rash, because this stuff is
seriously soft. 
Have you seen the cowl pattern knit up in Cria Stripes?
It is so lovely and reminds me of a Trap Scarf in some ways. 

Happy Summer Night. 
The day got away from me so I'm posting late. 
The cicada's are singing and the moon is full. 
There is next to no humidity and a slight breeze.
Picture perfect.  Hope yours is too


Araignee said…
I react that way to Alpaca also which is too bad because it is so soft. Bunny puppet is adorable. Is it for kitty play?
Not so great weather here-it's still hot as blazes. I woke this morning to news that scientist say the area is sinking into the ocean. Who needs the ocean with humidity like this?
Anonymous said…
Cute bunny!!!

No humidity???? This Florida-girl can't imagine such a thing. LOL (At least not until October or November!)
karen said…
love the finger puppet and that cowl, I'm in the process of knitting one somewhat similar and love the way it looks!
Unknown said…
What a CUTE bunny finger puppet!! The tail made me giggle. Just the ticket!

I LOVE baby alpaca yarn...I've not heard of the yarn brand you are showing in the picture, but by golly, I can imagine how wonderfully soft it is.
Tired Teacher said…
Bunny puppets - adorable. Be careful, they may multiply like (wait for it. . .) rabbits. ;o)

Alpaca can be very soft, but I don't like to knit with it.

Love the sound of cicadas.
Katherine said…
I love that cowl. That's a must do! It was HOT when I took the dogs out at 10:30 last night. I go out with them because if I don't they chase--guess what--bunnies. There seem to be an abundance of bunnies in yards this year! There was even one there whey we were out at 7:00 am this morning, finally shaving Max down for his summer cut. He's mad now but later he will be out chasing bunnies again.

I love your bunny finger puppets. You are so cute Kathy!!
Linda said…
Love your finger puppet!
I too cannot wear alpaca! And I so wish I could. My yarn shop has tons of it. Almost too much of it! Which would not be an issue if I could WEAR IT - LOL!

Linda in VA
Teresa Kasner said…
I adore your finger puppet! I haven't made one stitch on my alpaca shawl on this trip. I just haven't had the notion to do it and have been overly busy traveling. We made it to Boise ID for the night and will arrive home tomorrow eve. Cannot wait. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
WildflowerWool said…
The finger puppet is super cute!
elns said…
I'm so sad that you cannot wear alpaca -- so light, so soft, so warm, hmm. sometimes too warm for me.

Anyways, the finger puppet is cute. Yes, make more and then put on a show for us! hehe.

The pictured cowl does remind me of The Trap. Pretty.
Judy S. said…
Aha, a bunny that won't devour your favorite flowers! Brilliant! We are trying to teach "ours" to mow the lawn only. LOL (It's not going too well.....)

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