HandWritten POST!


I love that sometimes the simplest things are the loveliest (aka - that wrap)
Tired Teacher said…
While the photo with the fawn is cute, I have mixed emtions about it. Living in an area with a lot of wildlife I see how befriending the animals ultimately puts them at risk for abuse by not so caring people and their animals. It's good to have a strict "look but don't touch" philosophy with wild animals.
Katherine said…
What a lucky lady to be befriended by a deer! I am in love with Bateaux Mouches. Thanks for a wonderful, feel-good post!
elns said…
That beateaux mouches looks soft. I have one large lace weight wrap in progress, and I'm set to cast on another lace weight scarf shortly after. This may have to simmer in queue a bit.
KSD said…
I like it! Very clever.
Caffeine Girl said…
Well, I certainly like that style of blogging!
That picture with the deer is really amazing. I didn't know they could be that comfortable with people. Usually they are very skittish.
I think I'm the only person who doesn't think alpaca yarn is soft. It scratches me.
Araignee said…
BTW: That comment about the crazy cat lady was me signed into another account....oops.
Teresa Kasner said…
What a totally fun way to do a post! I may have to try that someday. I love pens and inks and papers and this is right up my alley. We made it to Corning, CA! On to Lake Tahoe tomorrow. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
Cute idea!

The deer lady is amazing. :-)
Linda said…
Love this - the deer with his lady....the scarf...the posting style! I'm a big fan of pens and paper and notebooks. I have a true addiction with them - and yarn and books!

Linda in VA
Unknown said…
That gal is touching the deer...like a pet?? Wow.

The shawl is absolutely beautiful...
Unknown said…
The scarf is lovely....I didn't care for the notebook posting style. Harder to read.
Judy S. said…
The only time I ever tried to touch a deer, it almost kicked me. Learned my lesson fast.
SissySees said…
What a fun post! Here, deer are the enemy. They taunt the dogs, eat my flowers and threaten to run me down on twilight runs.

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