Finally Siri

 I would love for Fezzik to be a therapy cat. 
Beatles already could be. 
Fezzik won't wear a collar yet, but he didn't mind the bandanna. 
And I am the kind of crazy who will put him in more bandannas...

 I made a turtle at a friends party at a pottery shop in March.
I finally saw her again, and got my finished turtle. 
I had tons of help.  I like him.  He is currently on the toilet tank as a decoration next to the hand knitted toilet paper cover. 
He got too lost outside in the yard where I had planned to let him live. 
To all my wildflower pals, Especially Mrs. Macawber, is this thistle?  I have a big old bush of this outside my garage and it is going to have lots of purple blossoms.  Is it a weed? 
I won't call it that... I don't want to offend.

Katherine is in trouble for suggesting crock pot cake. 
I made a crock pot chocolate cake to bring my mom's caregivers and it was so dense, so moist, so lovely...
there will be more.  I ate a piece and I should not have. 

I'm off to start knitting for this afternoon. 
I spent two hours at Verizon getting my free phone upgrade. 
I know have Siri.  Here's hoping I'll get lost less often. 
Do you use Siri?
Do you make crock pot cakes?


Anonymous said…
Fezzik is adorable. He won't wear a collar, but he WILL wear a bandana? LOL Silly boy. Giroux doesn't seem to mind his collar. I have tried a bandana since I can't find one with a break away hook. Fezzik looks quite dashing in his.

I don't have Siri --- I do android. I have OKAY GOOGLE! It does the same thing and while I don't use it for directions, it has answered some of those VERY pressing questions that come up at Monday Lunch Bunch. LOL
Fezzik looks so handsome
You flower could be a Globe Amaranth
Tired Teacher said…
Yes, I have Siri, but sometimes, she is NOT too reliable. In Vegas, my niece asked her to find the nearest Walgreens, and she said there were none. My sister's phone (also with Siri) gave directions to the Walgreens. Standing in front of said Walgreens, my niece asked her Siri again for directions, and still nada ;o( Definitely not reliable or consistent.
Caffeine Girl said…
I have never heard of a crockpot cake, but it sounds yummy.
I am dying to have a therapy cat, but Keith thinks a third cat would upset his two.
I have Siri but never use her. Google Maps works really well.
Araignee said…
Ooooh....crockpot cake? Sounds so yummy. I don't Siri but I do Alexa. I don't have a smart phone yet but my new Echo is so awesome. Kitty looks so handsome. I can't believe he let you tie that on him. He's awesome.
Teresa Kasner said…
It's a clover!! LOL! Love Fezzick. What a handsome boy. We leave Ozark Lake tomorrow. We're homesick. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Lynn said…
breakaway colors are on Petsmart and on Amazon online. I just got some.
Bonny said…
Your purple flower is red clover:
I've never made a crockpot cake, but I think I would be forced to if you posted the recipe. :-)
Donna Boucher said…
I've never heard of a crockpot cake... Or a cat in a bandana!!
Katherine said…
Fezzik is so adorable. Love that cat!!

I'm so glad your cake turned out yummy. We are hooked on them. I don't think I will ever make another chocolate cake any other way. The apple cake was just okay.

Your turtle is beautiful. You are a true artist!! He deserves to live inside. Outdoor turtles don't need to compete with such a grand specimen.
karen said…
he would make a delightful therapy cat!! I have never heard of a crockpot cake so I guess you can assume I haven't made it. Love your turtle!!
Vera said…
Fezzik is marvelous in his bandanna -- I think he is a natural for the camera. Next he will need a smoking jacket - lol. The crockpot cake sounds yummy...I'm going to google it. No Siri for me. Your turtle is great - he/she would look wonderful on our patio by our water feature. right now all we have are slugs and rhino beetles. I'm hoping for a toad or frog before summer ends.
Unknown said…
I like Fezzik in a bandanna; he looks great! I have not even heard of a crockpot cake, but might have to investigate.
elns said…
Cats in Bandannas. I feel like this would make an excellent Instagram page. See if you can get more friends to put their cats in bandannas. That is a very handsome cat. Shh! I think he knows it.
kathy b said…

This is the recipe I used Bonny. mmmmm
kathy b said…
Ohhh I love that it is clover. It is going to be a huge clover bush!Thanks Teresa, I knew you'd know
Mrs. Micawber said…
Looks like red clover to me! Such a beautiful flower. You say it's a big bush - that's very interesting. How tall? I've only seen red clover get about a foot high.

What a very handsome turtle, and Fezzik is just too cute for words. Does he always smile like that? :)
Yarn Miracle said…
I like your turtle! I have never even heard of a crock pot cake! I use Siri to make reminders but she gets them wrong a lot ("Prince needs flea stuff" is "Prints names free stuff").

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