What Matters?

 * Dear Channon sent me this gorgeous scarf and books.
The stories take place in the Outer Banks. 
Our AL loves the OBX. 
I'm ready to read.
Channon, the scarf is amazing.  
I think it will look so cheerful.
Dear Kim sent me the color grid. 
Colorgrid.net shows you more about the tool.
Since I am hopeless with finding good color companions, I LOVE THIS THING. 
Thanks Ladies for some very fun mail.

*I've been thinking a lot about the meaning of my life.
Do you think about the meaning of your life?
I love how the MONKS OF NEW SKETE wrote a book on Happiness, and they say its our duty to be Happy. 
They say God wants us to be so very happy. 
I love this take.

*I think I want my goals to grow and change in my life. 
I love the tiny goal of making each ordinary day good for someone.  Yesterday I was patient with the postal clerk. 
That's it. 
I was patient. Others were not.
I think that was my gift and purpose in life yesterday. 
The postal clerk appreciated it so. 

*I'm back to knitting mittens for charity. 
That feels good to me right now.
I want my knitting to count for someone in need. 

*I think to live a clean life,  being honest,
paying your taxes, seeking joy and seeking to help others is what counts.  
All the little ways matter.

I think so. 
Do you?


Araignee said…
So right, all the little ways do matter!
Anonymous said…
I DO think so.

I get so tickled when someone says my blog writing made them laugh. To bring joy to someone else makes me so happpy.

Tired Teacher said…
Doing things for others fills me with satisfaction.
Mrs. Micawber said…
Yes. And kudos for being patient with the postal clerk.

What a glorious scarf! :)
Teresa Kasner said…
I love being nice to people that other people aren't being nice to.. what a gift and others can learn from you. Good for you to lead others the right way! I think you're on the right track of leading a good life. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Unknown said…
The world would be a much better place if we all lived by those values.
lyle said…
It's called The Golden Rule.
Luke 6:31.

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