Weekend Recap

Sweet Emma Booshay, of Donna booshay's Quiet Life,
graduated from DePaul with her Masters degree in counseling. 
We were happy to be invited to join in the party to celebrate with her. 

*Also part of those joining her was Mary Z. 
  Mary Z reads Donna's blog and they are no longer pretend friends.  I felt like I knew Mary instantly.
Mary and Donna are all about their Fit Bits buzzing! 
I hope the ladies reach their goals together. 
Do you Fit Bit?

*The other parts of the weekend included:

*Casting on the same baby blanket that Pumpkin Sunrise just finished. 
*I don't have enough yardage and I don't like orange much.
*Contemplating buying Zara in a blue like Pumpkin used for hers.
*Hate to waste the orange...
*We all know what happens with a yarn color I don't enjoy....

 *it is the Garter Rib baby blanket free on Raverly.

*Hawks game mania here 
more tonight

*went to the library and got Micheal J Fox's book: 
Lucky Man
haven't opened it yet

*Had my NO COOK weekend. 
IT was fabulous. 
Fresh watermelon, cut vegetables with dip,
and coffee, made the weekend a breeze.

How was your weekend? 


Sounds like a very busy and fun weekend for you! Hope that you can work out the yarn issues! xx
Sounds like a very busy and fun weekend for you! Hope that you can work out the yarn issues! xx
Lynn said…
The red orange yarn is a happy color. How about making it a striped blanket and add white and other colors you like?
susan said…
Love the idea of a no cook week-end! Cut up veggies and fruit do the trick for me too. I got a fit bit for mother's day and like it way more than I thought I would. There's definitely no fooling yourself while you're wearing that.
Unknown said…
I had a great weekend too...even knit in public! Eating all fresh food...NICE. I'm reading "To Kill A Mockingbird" when I am sitting and not knitting. Harper Lee will have a 2nd book out in mid-July, so I thought I would re-read "Mockingbird" before I read the new one (a sequel). Oh, it's really good!!
Teresa Kasner said…
We cleaned closets, had a family BBQ and I got some things done. No adventures, though! You seemed to have a fun-filled weekend! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
sounds like a a good weekend - mine was pretty lazy, which is never a bad thing!
Tired Teacher said…
Quiet weekend here - some knitting in the park on Saturday, hand stitching binding on a quilt, reading, and relaxing.
Katherine said…
Sounds like a fabulous weekend! I love the orange yarn, but then I love orange anything.

Our weekend was lazy and unproductive. Everyone needs one occasionally!
Anonymous said…
Do I dare say . . . . . GO BOLTS??? On the other hand, I sure would like to see Timmonen get his ring.

Our weekend was full of sand and hermit crabs! It was GREAT!
Araignee said…
That blanket thing must have been in the air. Everyone seems to be starting one. I don't fitbit. I never sit down so it wouldn't have much to do. I knit and spin while walking so I can keep up with Pup. I would rather have a pup to get me moving than plastic thingy anyway.
Judy S. said…
It was birthday weekend at our house, DS and yours truly. Lots of cakey fun! Yours sounded great also. What do you do with the yarn????
karen said…
I love your blanket! Glad you like the two row pattern (easy peasy in my mind!). Congrats to the graduate and yay for a no cook weekend (I live for those.)

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