When is a Pair not a Match

 My leftover mittens are not quite a match, but I'll call them a pair. I ran out of Zara in the pink.  I still love them. Sparkle yarn in Peony pink, (see mine below) and cuffs in Zara. 

Last night on the porch was absolutely perfect to me. Best night of 2015 so far.  Just humid enough to be cozy. Nice breezes.
Bugs coming to the screens for endless cat entertainment. 
Knitting mittens and even taking out a thumb and reknitting it successfully.  
I would have stayed out all night, but my snoring would certainly alarm the neighbors. 

I spent this morning racing to list 
50 Things I love about my sister, who turns 50 next week. 
I had to get her gifts and list to the post office by noon.
The list is my idea. 
Growing up we were NOT close. 
We are 5 years apart.
Now she is my dearest sister. 

Thanks to each one of you who commented on the reading glasses/bifocal thoughts.  Sometimes the things I ask on this blog have nothing to do with knitting, or very little, and you always humor me. 

So, I'll ask you this:
Where is your favorite place to buy your yarn?
On line?
At a Local Yarn shop?
at the Fiber tests?
Do tell....


Araignee said…
I never seem to have to buy yarn these days. It's like all these stray cats that live here now, it just seems to show up.
I did used to love Knit Picks for their prices but that's a thing of the past. If and when I do buy, it's usually at a fiber fest of some sort or from someone on Etsy. These days I would rather give my money to artsy folk rather than a big business.
I would live on my screened in porch if I had one. I've tried to go out several times today and spin on the deck and got eaten alive by bugs. :(
KSD said…
As much as I love the little yarn shop here, I have always LOVED getting mail. So, I do an awful, awful lot of yarn-buying online.
Tired Teacher said…
I prefer to touch and pet the yarn before purchasing, but with no local yarn shop, I buy yarn online.
knitterbeader said…
I buy most of my yarn online and have never been sorry. I look for sites that have "free shipping". My closest yarn shop is about 25 miles away, so don't go there often. But I do go there if I'm looking for something special that I want to feel and see!
Anonymous said…
I am fortunate to have several local yarn shops within an hour's drive and then several more that we take day trips to visit. I almost never buy yarn online.

Sometimes it is hard to find solid color sock yarn at the local shops. Then I will resort to online. It used to be KnitPicks, but I'm considering trying WEBS.
Teresa Kasner said…
I get yarn in all kinds of ways. I do like ordering from KnitPicks. I also have gotten some cotton from Premier Yarns. I've ordered from WEBS.. getting Blue Sky Alpaca in alpaca/silk and some cottons. From NordicMart I got Drops alpaca. I also buy from Michaels and Craft Warehouse. I also spin my own and buy from the Alpaca farms and anywhere! Have fun wherever you find the lovely stuff. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Sarah said…
Love the peonies! I miss them from growing up in MN!

It depends on my timing. LYS if I can but none close so online if I don't have time for a road trip.
tamknots said…
Hi Kathy, I added a link to your blog from mine if that is okay. Thank you! --Tammy
Linda said…
I love peonies! The scent is divine!!

And I love - no I adore - your mittens! I don't care that they don't match - I like them better that way!

I go to my favorite LYS - it is called "Uniquities". Even though the shop is smallish, she packs a heck of a lot of yarn in there! Yarn of al types and colors - and prices. From $4.00 on up to over a $100! But....with the sock yarns, there are limited colors. And I'm craving more of a selection. I use it to knit scarves and shawls with - no socks. So I will probably order online eventually. But still prefer to go to the yarn shop and see and touch and yak!

Linda in VA
Katherine said…
The miss-matched mittens are cute. I love wonky things!

I am so NOT a shopper!! I hate to go shopping so I buy my clothes, yarn, kitchen implements etc. on line (sometimes even furniture). My favorite online yarn shops are Little Knits, Knit Picks, Webs, and Blue Moon Fiber Arts. (My favorite clothing shops are J.Jill, Lands End and Coldwater Creek). I do make an occasional trip to Walmart and even buy a skein or two of yarn there.
susan said…
Last year, I bought some yarn at the fiber festival in Rhinebeck NY and that was definitely my favorite. I loved the idea that the people I bought the yarn from also raised the sheep, sheared them and spun it into yarn. I felt I was a part of something special.
I love your mittens! I think they're perfect.
Mrs. Micawber said…
I'm lucky to have a knitting sister who always gives me yarn for gifts, so I don't often have to buy any. Otherwise, I love going to Wisconsin Craft Market in Madison for their awesome selection. And shopping for yarn at last year's Knit and Crochet Show was a super fun experience.

You don't have to talk about knitting all the time. It's your blog and you can talk about whatever you want whenever you want! :)

Friday was lovely and warm here too. Then last night it got down into the 30s, dang it. Tonight is supposed to be the same. I have to cover my new basil plant to keep it from turning spotty.

Here's a recipe link for you:


Unknown said…
Personally I tend to use the loopy ewe online, but I also enjoy visits to lys too....I have three (lucky me) that are within an hours drive from home.

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