Summer Lists

I love summer.   This weekend will be all about summer things I love to do and plan to do. 
Here goes:

*I'll be knitting mittens.  How many pair?  I don't know.  

*Summer is for sitting on my screened porch. 

*Nurse friend Maureen brought me a bag of her Auntie Mar's needles and such.  I plan to have Fireman help me make shawl pins from these needles. 
Auntie Mar's bag had a good little ruler and some stitch holders that are already in use. 

*I plan to knit a pair of pink mittens from Auntie Mar's last stash and donate them in her honor. 
 *Vacationing is always part of our summers. 
We are  so blessed.
This year we head to the OUTER BANKS to enjoy Allison and pals for a week. 
Channon had  a hand in this! 
We are renting her aunt's cottage. 
I plan to see the wild horses and take a horse tour. 
*This year will be different as I have begun to bike ride.
There will be few walks, but many rides. 
Perhaps, Just perhaps, Fireman and I will do an organized ride. 
Tomorrow is Bike the Drive, where the Lake Shore Drive is closed to automobiles for the event. 
We are not doing Bike the Drive, but I do want to bike the lakefront this summer. 

*I need a summer hat.  I just want a baseball cap that doesn't look goofy on me.  I need sun protection. 

*Summer is for Storms and I love them.

*Summer is for porch time with pals. 
My nurse friend Helen, from Ireland came for a glass of wine on the porch last night.  I so enjoy our friendship. 
She has wisdom and clarity about my mom. 
So helpful!

*My television watching goes way down in summer. 
I catch the weather and sports but would prefer the radio. 

*I love to cut the grass in the summertime. 

*My roses are my focus this summer. 
You'll be seeing lots of them, I hope.

*I like to play card games on the porch. Perhaps Izzy and Zach will indulge me.

*I would like to improve my putting this summer. 
I never work on this part of golf and it is fun and easy at the driving range.  I probably won't even play a round, but I will putt. 

*Last for today:
Summer is for happy is my first summer of retirement and I'm overjoyed. 

What makes your summer happy?


Suburban prep said…
Bike the drive what a great thing. hoping for sun for you tomorrow morning. It turned out beautiful today. Enjoy.
I love to sit out on the driveway and knit too in the summer. Or I go to my parent's condo and sit out on the deck and knit. (they are a bit closer to the lake--cooler sometimes).
Enjoy enjoy.
Linda said…
I liked your list! I love reading books that take place in the Outer Banks. One day I hope to visit them!
The one thing I like about summer is the days staying light out longer... I don't care for hot weather tho!

Linda in VA
Caffeine Girl said…
You are making retirement sounds exhausting! :)
It all sounds great. Welcome to biking. I love it. I especially love biking instead of driving, like for doing errands.
You will have a great time at the Outer Banks. It is just beautiful there.
I love my screened porch, too. I spend much of my summer hanging out there with the cats and crafting.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you have a great summer planned.

I'm not a big fan of summer . . . it goes on just way too long here in Florida.

BUT, we did start to freshen up to enjoy our patio and pool ------ the orchids were moved to their summer place, the porch plants shown a little loving, and I told Steve I want to get the hammock down from the attic.

We're making the porch as comfortable as possible so that maybe, just MAYBE I'll sit outside sometimes when it's not too hot.
Tired Teacher said…
Summer is. . .
* attending evening concerts in the park
* soaking up warmth and trying to store it for Winter days
* going for early morning walks
* driving with the windows down on the open road
* smelling freshly cut grass or alfalfa
Very interested to see what you do with those needles!

My fave summer things - strawberries, lemonade with big slices of lemon, evenings under the stars, and afternoons with the cats in the garden!
Meredith said…
A wonderful list Kathy. I have seen those wild ponies and they are amazing. I have to work all summer, boo hoo!
Teresa Kasner said…
I'm so happy for you that you are retired and this is your first summer of freedom! You'll love it! I'd love to see those ponies. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Araignee said…
I have so much envy for your screened in porch. If I had one, my summer's would be so different. I spend as much time inside in the summer as I do in the winter because of the bugs. I just can't seem to convince The Mister we need one. The bugs don't bother him.
Having said that, I do love summer because I can wear my house dresses. I hate pants. I spend all summer in my beachy Fresh Produce dresses and flip flops.
Patty said…
Oh the Outer Banks! So high on the list! Summer is wine on the porch, vacation, and yes summer storms! Wishing you a fantastic summer!
Unknown said…
Awesome list! Around here, summer means family reunions, fresh tomatoes, keeping an eye on the weather for storms, lots of porch sitting, lightening bug watching and gallons and gallons of iced tea! Ain't retirement grand?? : )
Unknown said…
I can't wait till the weather clears up and I can enjoy sitting out on the porch! I still have some planting to do; a few pots of pretty flowers brings me a lot of joy.
SissySees said…
I need to send you books! I hope you enjoy My Tern. We miss it when we're not there, but it's fun that we can kinda' share it with you!
Mrs. Micawber said…
What makes my summer happy? BASIL. Loads of it. I can't wait to have those nice tall leafy plants sitting outside the door.

Woo hoo! You're cycling! Have a blast, and be sure your helmet fits properly. But I'm sure Fireman will take care of that. :D
It sounds as though you are going to be having wonderful times!! xx

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