Much Needed Joy

 Fezzik has come at a time when I need to laugh. 
And I do. 
He's growing by leaps and bounds...and I mean that literally. 

My mother has been placed in skilled care for her Dementia.
I treasure visiting her, but I leave and sob. 
This disease, as so many of you know, robs her of so much. 
If you pray, please pray for my mom, Noreen. 
I pray that those who dress her and feed her are kind and good people.  I know I cared for sick babies for many years with the tenderness that they were my own.  I pray for the same for my mom's caregivers. 
 On with knitting and the joy it brings me.
Another mitten.  I copied Dee's sock strategy using solids for parts of the construction.  This is my biggest mitten so far. 
I think I have determined which charity I'll send them to in the USA.  More on that as More mittens get knitted. 

My family loves Irish Soda Bread. I ran out of raisins and used dried raspberries....pretty much came out wonderful. 

What brings you joy when you are melancholy?


Donna Boucher said…
Beautiful Fezzik. Beautiful kathyb.
I'm so sorry about your mom, I will pray.
Vera said…
So sorry to hear about your mom Kathy. I know it's hard. I will keep her (and you) in my prayers. Beautiful picture of you and Fezzik.
Bridget said…
Your mom and her caregivers (and YOU) will definitely be in my prayers.

Fezzik looks like such a happy, funny boy.

Dried raspberries? Hm ...
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that your mom had to go to a skilled care facility. That's a hard decision to have to make. I will pray that she gets the kind of care that you would wish for her.

Linda said…

My Mom is also going through this. For the past 7 or 8 years now. Thankfully, my Dad is still able to care for her - but it is really wearing on him. He is 88!
I'm 500 miles away - which makes it seem even harder... She used to call me two times a week. Now, for 7 or 8 years, there have been no calls....

Linda in VA
Unknown said…
The photo of you and Fezzik is really great. Frame it!

I hope for good care for your mom too. Stay strong.
So sorry to hear about your Mom, I wish that there was some way to help, but I am sending you and her all good thoughts and hugs. Fezzik looks like a lovely companion!! xx
Tired Teacher said…
Love the mittens & the photo of you and Fezzik.

It's difficult to turn the care of our loved ones over to someone else. Keep visiting when you can and at different times - vigilance by the family is the key to good care in a nursing home.
tamknots said…
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Cherish the time you have with her. I really appreciate you visiting and commenting on my blog. Hearing from new friends definitely brightens my day! xo Tammy
knitterbeader said…
Love the picture of you and Fezzik! I've been sending prayers for your Mom and you and the rest of the family. It's so hard to let go the care to someone else. I have a sis-in-law and know what you're going through.
Stay strong!!
KSD said…
Your friendship.
SissySees said…
My friends, the Knight and the fur-girls are my joys! Fezzik is darling, and your mother and those caring for her are indeed in our prayers - as are you and yours, always.
Teresa Kasner said…
Is that you holding Fezzik? You're so cute! We lost 2 of our parents to Alzheimers and it's awful to have your parent forget who you are. Hang in there.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Unknown said…
I know how you feel. I lost my mom to dementia a year ago in October. I'll be praying for you all.
Very sorry to hear about your Mom. But Fezzik is perfect for those little pick-me-up hugs!

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