A Summer Top I will Not Knit....

 *Took photos for the Shop blog yesterday.
*This is: My Favorite Summer Top by Shi bui
*I can't get into the feel of their yarns.
*You'd have to be very thin to wear this well, I think.
*So I really like it, for someone else to knit and to wear!
In fact if you have any breasts at all I don't think this top would flatter. 
Who designs these? And who do they think can wear them? 

I did find a cute something at the checkout counter.
 *The turtle tape measure is just my kind of whimsy.
*It is a perfect summer day here, the kind of day I long for in the winter. 

 Do you like your transitional lenses if you have them?
I've decided I'm going to get an eye exam and just get reading glasses. 
Looking in the RIGHT spot and pointing my nose is no longer working for me.  
I do think my eyes have changed this year. 
Do you use readers or trifocals? 


Vera said…
I love that sweater (but could never pull it off well...you are right someone needs to be super skinny to wear that!!). I wear bifocals (no line). My husband prefers bifocals with the line. He says he needs the line to tell where to look - lol. I find the line distracting. He wears transitionals (going dark outside and light inside) and loves them. I can't stand them -- they never seem to get dark enough or light enough for me...but it's been years since I had them - maybe the technique has improved? I'm thinking of getting strong readers to keep on my night table to use when I read before sleeping...not sure I can find some strong enough though...
Tired Teacher said…
Sweater is cute, but not for me - too short, I need more coverage. It would look great a a slender person.

I wear lined trifocals and have for years. I only need reading glasses (I had terrible vision until I had LASIX nearly 15 years ago) but grew tired of having multiple pairs around the house and not having them when I needed them; thus, my lenses are basically void of prescription on the top (distance) and a bifocal & trifocal for reading and crafting. I wear my glasses all the time.
Unknown said…
I tried transitional lenses and didn't like them because they didn't darken enough in the car. They also seemed to stay dark for awhile when going from outside to inside and that bothered me too. I had cataract surgery several years ago and only wear reading glasses now....I have them all over the house.
I agree that the sweater is suited too someone slender...not for me.
Araignee said…
The Mister tried those transitionals and took them back. Because of my retina issue my eyes change daily so I have a pocket full of different strength readers and I switch from task to task. It is such a pain.
I agree that you have to be a stick to wear knitwear that is not outerwear. There are so many cute little things to knit that would look awful on me. I do have one tank I made years ago that is flattering because it is highly textured cotton but it is heavy and not comfortable to wear.
Mrs. Micawber said…
That's a very cute top - I would wear it (though I have a rather generous set of the things you mention) BUT I would put a longer, very fitted 3/4 sleeve tee underneath. How to dress the sagging middle-aged body....

So far I have resisted any kind of multi lenses - I'd rather just pull my glasses down my nose for reading or take them off for close work. I can't stand the thought of having to tip my head constantly up and down to try to get things into the right plane of the lens. Totally reactionary I know - but to be expected from someone who rides a 30-year old bike and refuses to upgrade. :)
Teresa Kasner said…
That top doesn't sing to me.. but I bet it could look very classy on the right model thin person. :-) I have progressive lenses and like them fine. But really I only use them for reading and computer work. Good luck on your choices. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
I've noticed most of the patterns in the knitting magazines are for a) a much less well-endowed lady, b) a much younger lady, and c) one that doesn't mind her bra straps/bra back showing. That means ......not for me. :-(

As for the glasses --- I have been in bifocals since I was 21. I wear a traditional type bifocal (flat-top 28). I tried progressive lenses a few years ago and just could not get used to them. BUT, it is getting harder to find labs that still carry the flat top lenses in stock. I may have to get progressives eventually. My eye care professional tells me they are much better now, but ..........................
elns said…
That top is not working for me. I still have yarn from a summer tank top I was going to knit until I realized what my body actually looks like and what it would look like on me. I am sure I can repurpose the yarn some day (it's linen blend so won't be scratchy) but really, to what is the question.

The turtle tape measure is super cute. Wishing you a good weekend Kathy!
KSD said…
I did not like my transition glasses. I got them thinking they could be my sunglasses in the car (I get miserable headaches if I drive in the sun), but there wasn't enough light in the car to make them change colors.

I had no-line bifocals for a while there, but don't anymore.
Caffeine Girl said…
I am very conservative about my glasses. I have old-fashioned bifocals and prescription sunglasses. I am kind of a Luddite, I guess.

I avoid short tank tops. I need a little more coverage than that!
Chris said…
I have progressive lenses and love them! That top....not so much!
Love the turtle tape measure! Too cute!
Linda said…
I don't want the bi lenses or tri lenses - or whatever they are called! So I have two pairs - one for reading - and one for driving. And oh, I have a pair to use when I do my stitching. They are to magnify the stitches - but were made at the eye place years ago. I really need to get a new prescription - because they don't work as well now. I blame the glasses, cause it couldn't be my eyes - yeah right - LOL!

Linda in VA

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