Saturdays Off

 I am still so in awe of being retired, that I don't know how to handle Saturdays.  Or Sundays for that matter. 
Why is it that these days feel twice the hours of the other days of the week? It is luxurious. 
On most weekends, the attending doctor would bring the nurses donuts.  We didn't need donuts  We needed fruit. 
We all started the shift not touching them, and by 10 AM they were gone, or at least mostly gone. 
Every. Single. Weekend. 

You would think without that donut factor, I'd be a stick thin person  right now.  Nope. (By the way nurses bring in more home cooked casseroles and treats than any other staff on a regular basis) 

I was working on my shawl, my lace shawl, 
last night, while watching Twice Born. 
It is a new documentary PBS series on in utero surgeries and the lives of the doctors and the patients. 

I know doctors are important.  It bugs the beJeezus out of me that it is not about the nurses. 
Do you think as time goes on, I'll be less defensive?
They talk about the doctor's families and their missing out on softball games for their kids, and they seem like very nice people. 
They neglect to mention how well compensated they are monetarily for their efforts.  
The ones at the bedside day in and day out for hours and hours at a time on Saturdays and Sundays and night shifts, are the nurses.  
It isn't glamorous to show nurses changing IV solutions every half an hour while trying to remain calm and see their patients big picture.  It is not TV worthy I guess to see how much stress the bedside nurse is under now a days.  
I always marveled at how many people interrupted me, the nurse, as I drew a medication or hung an IV or was actually listening to a patients heart. (stethoscope IN my ears) 
These same people wouldn't interrupt an auto mechanic looking at their engine, but they chat away and demand a nurses attention during the most error prone times. 
Customer service is the big catch phrase. 
The nurse has to be it ALL, and be it ALL for customer service surveys now a days. 
It isn't that we don't want to be it all, 
most of us were guilty of being too good nurses. 
We wore the hats of social worker, (no coverage on weekends)
infection control, pharmacist, transporter,
gate-keeper and security.  I have to  mention
the most important hat: recognizing the earliest signs of  demise,
and acting on it. 

OH my goodness where did this post go? 
I know you all have been wonderfully supportive of nurses whenever I post about my career.   
I just have to vent after watching that really good show about patients and their DOCTORS. 

My hat is off to every nurse out there still practicing. 
You have my prayers. 


Unknown said…
Well said!!
Katherine said…
I'll say to you something I have never said to a doctor, "thank you for your service and devotion!" Every time I have been in a crisis situation it has been the nurses who have lovingly pulled me through it. I love nurses and thank God for them. I know first hand how much of their lives they pour into their patients.

The shawl is looking amazing and such a pretty color!
Teresa Kasner said…
Nurses are way up there in my estimation. What a noble profession! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Tired Teacher said…
It's always the support staff that gets the least credit for doing the lion's share of the work. Kudos to nurses everywhere!
Araignee said…
I get to see nurses up close and personal quite a bit these days and I always marvel at their good spirits and professionalism in the face of really icky circumstances. You can have the snooty doctors-give me a nurse or a nurse practitioner anyday.
Caffeine Girl said…
I think nurses are undervalues and I support all your thoughts. I think being a teacher helps me understand how nurses feel. Do you think that these professions are affected by being primarily women? I do!

People always bring in donuts for teachers, too. I which that either they wouldn't do that or I'd develop more self-control!
Karen said…
You're so right! We have many reasons to be thankful for our dedicated nurses!
Judy S. said…
Nurses are awesome! I've seen them weekly now for 8 yearsof volunteering in the antepartum unit, and every one of them is impressive in their professionalism and their patient care. I cannot imagine the stress of working in the NICU like you did. BTW, look at all that lace you made! Wow! It's a pretty color, too.
karen said…
I agree with you, hats off to the nurses in the world. I'm friends with an ICU nurse and I am in awe at what she does.
Meredith said…
You know how I feel about nurses, I admire you all so much. One of the reasons I chose to become and OT was that I was more independent, and could do more of my own thing. It has worked for me but in my next life I think nursing would be great.
Araignee said…
I just sent you a message on Ravelry.Take a peek.
elns said…
I have to tell you the best doctors I have had, have the bedside manner of a nurse. Does that make sense? The nurse has always been the one to help manage my anxiety, help facilitate my confusion with doctors who often breeze in and out. The nurses were really so comforting in the NICU when I had The Kid early. They were really supportive and helped redirect my energy on how to be a Mom in the situation I was unprepared for. Kindness with hard work should never be underestimated. They even recommended the best pediatrician :)

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