Channons Prompt: Weekly Highs and Lows

 This weeks Highs and little Lows:

Low: Our neighbors fence is falling, again. 
Fireman and I are betting they won't do a thing about it until Mothers Day when they may entertain. 

High: Visiting Fireman's aunt and uncle yesterday.
Even though his uncle is battling brain cancer, 
he is funny and they are joyful with memories. 
His tumor is currently gone per MRI. 

 Low: Rocky Road low fat dessert. 
Why bother... ugh

High: this is Fezzik's aunt.  I hope he has her eyes and her bone structure! 11 more days until Fezzik comes home!

Low: The cold rainy weather all week has been a bit of a bummer. We are ready for sunny warmth to reappear soon...Please. 
I want to be on my porch. and my bike....

High: Finished those darling mittens. Cast on another pair in a bigger size. 

Was able to donate blood. Last time my hemoglobin wasn't high enough. 

High: Al finished her family practice clinical assignment. 
On with Women's Health.  

High: Started reading Teresa Caputo's book. 
I find it fascinating and so hopeful. 

High:  Reading YOUR blogs. 
I love to peek into you lives. 

It was a great week. 
C'mon sunshine


Caffeine Girl said…
That was quite a week. I love it when the news with my "children" is good.

The weather is awful, isn't it? I need to be able to bike!
Katherine said…
Oh wow do I understand the low of fence wars! We finally had to build a good sturdy fence, four inches in on our property on both sides. Now the neighbors, who are lovely people and good neighbors in every other way, can let their fences fall to disrepair if they want.

Fezzik's aunt is fuzzy cute!
Great highs, shame about the lows though, I hope that the neighbours fix their fence soon, that is so annoying isn't it. I hope too that your uncle will be well. xx
Teresa Kasner said…
That's life.... it sure has it's ups and downs.. all we can hope for it more ups than plummets. :-) I hope your sun returns. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Araignee said…
What a gorgeous kitty! I can't wait to read all your soon to be kitten updates.
Judy S. said…
It's been chilly here and rainy here, too. Your kitty's mama looks like my long ago kitty named Eloise. Speaking of names, what's the history of Fezzik?
knitterbeader said…
Love your post. I'm with your "why bother" for a low-fat Rocky Road. I haven't eaten anything like that for several years, so if I want one, I want the "real" thing!!
Our lives all have their ups and downs - for sure!
Meredith said…
As long as the highs are much more than the lows you have had a good week. High I have got a lot done this weekend, low my back hurt today so I could not work out. High I am starting a new crochet sweater, low and high I get to eval preemie twins next week so I will be up to my eyeballs in paperwork, but I get to play with preemies.
SissySees said…
What a pretty auntie kitty! No fences here though... unless the budding leaves count?
Anonymous said…
Fezzik's auntie is beautiful!
Tired Teacher said…
A fun post - my backyard neighbor's dog liked eating the fence last Fall - thankfully all the gnawed pickets have now been replaced.
Unknown said…
The auntie kitty is so darned cute. I'm looking forward to pictures of Fezzik, too.

Low fat foods...often are low in good taste/desirability. May as well go for the good stuff...just in smaller doses. Ha.
Linda said…
Our neighbor put a shed in his front yard corner (many years ago). It is so close to our property line, that it looks like the shed is ours! It isn't bad in the summer when the trees hide it, but in the winter, it looks awful to stare out at a big green (ugly green) shed......
I agree with low fat desserts! LOL! I don't eat dessert often, but when I do - I want the full monty!!

Linda in VA
karen said…
hey, you changed things around here, looks different and fresh! Bummer about the fence but Mother's day is around the bend :)

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