A Mitten and A Movie

 I love my mitten.  Mittens, where have you been my whole knit life? 
Actually, I think I knitted mittens way way back, and I was new to the needles then.  The thumb join was atrocious and I never tried again. 
Look out!  I see many more mittens ahead of me.
 The pattern I choose on Ravelry is free, but she asks you to donate a pair of mittens if you use the pattern. 
I certainly will.

The car windshield needed to be scraped this morning. 
We had snow flurries yesterday. 

So Fireman and I watched Sweetgrass, the Movie. 

On the big screen it would be amazing.
Here's the thing:
there is almost no dialogue. 
I have a million questions about why they were doing what they were doing.  No answers.  
I get it.  Driving sheep is hard hard work. 
I liked it, but if you are tired or if you are having trouble falling asleep.....may I suggest this movie... 



Araignee said…
That mitten is spectacular!
I love movies that you can fall asleep to. I usually nod off to something or other. I'll have to look that one up.
Anonymous said…
Mittens are one of the first things I learned to knit too.

Your mitten is adorable. Love that bright, happy color.
Tired Teacher said…
Great-looking mitten - such happy colors!
Katherine said…
I love, love, love you mitten!! I will certainly look up that pattern.

I got a laugh out of the movie. Granddaughter just told me she has been having trouble getting to sleep. I will recommend that movie before bed!
Unknown said…
Great looking mitten...and a good laugh. Have a great day!
Teresa Kasner said…
Love the mitten! I knitted some for my kids when they were little.. they really are a nice item. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Celia said…
Mittens were my first project in knitting class. I love the colors you chose.
That is a lovely mitten. Is it waiting for a partner? :) A full movie with no dialogue? That would be a little much. Best wishes, Tammy
Mittens are just too darn cute!
knitterbeader said…
Your mitten is pretty! Love those colors.
I've actually only ever made fingerless mittens (many pairs of them). I give them mostly to my grandchildren who like their fingers free so they can "text". I also like the way they fit me, but never have a need here in Arizona to wear them!
elns said…
Mittens and snow flurries?! It's spring! I love that screen capture of the sheep, but really your Mittens are the star of the show. That yarn really worked up nicely. I am looking forward to seeing more mitts from you.
Judy S. said…
The mittens turned out great, Kathy. Jill told us about the snow. Hey, it's Spring and not even April Fools Day, right? It snowed in MPLS the day before. Crazy weather, that's what. It's raining here, surprise, surprise, chilly, too.
Linda said…
Wow - love the colors in your mitten!

Linda in VA
Meredith said…
A million years ago I made mittens for everyone in my family for Christmas, it was so much fun. That was before I had kids, seems like it really was a million years ago. Love yours.

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