Ten on Tuesday Prompt: I Love....

 In the spirit of Valentine's Day, Carole knits Ten on Tuesday prompt is I love.....

*I love my go to knit pattern: Trap scarf

 *I love seeing the seeds for sale a full 14 weeks before Chicago's last frost date. 
* I love to look at farms. 

*I Love Ina Garten's cookbooks.

*I love something sweet to eat before bed.

*I love my screened porch and I miss it in winter. 

*I love when a long time animal gets adopted from the shelter. 

*I love movie theatre popcorn with butter. 

*I love hearing an owl hoot. 

*I love emails from my sister Michelle, the veterinarian. 


knitterbeader said…
"I love" this post!
Nancy said…
I love garter stitch and its mindless rhythm.
Unknown said…
Good items in the list...every one.
Teresa Kasner said…
It's so good to love many things.. which of Ina's books would your recommend as a first one? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
I was dreaming about my garden the other night - and I can't plant most of it until May!
Araignee said…
I love Tuesdays. The Mister always goes to see his mother so I have the blessed day to myself!
elns said…
I love your posts and your fun lists. I'm a huge fan of buttered popcorn at the movies as well. The Kid is supposed to not eat it not that he is the brace face and it makes him sad. I am trying to provide pringles as a substitute.
Meredith said…
I am all caught up on your blog. Love the calendar, love the socks, love Pie in the new toy, love your blog!
kathy b said…
I would start with her book FOOLPROOF. But they are all readable, followable and wonderble
Unknown said…
Love your posts!
karen said…
love your love list. I love sweets before bed, hooting owls outside my window. I miss my screened in porch from my old house (the one regret!!) and I love getting to know you a little bit more.

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