Happy Product Review Friday..this is not a short post...

 I've been using an eye cream.  These beauty products are very expensive, in my book of Life. 
I've decided if one thing should look good the eyes have it. 
Irisheyes Right? 
This is Radiant by Benefit. I bought it at Macy's. 
It cost almost 40 dollars.

I have used some beauty products that I have found had NO effect on my face.  For instance, any dark age reducing spot product has failed me.  Big time. 
We are talking Clinque.  Waste of money for me. 
Burts Bees, also ineffective for me. 
Oh and by the way the Burts Bees is very sticky. 

I became very focused on avoiding the sun from 1990 to 2000. 
My family was ashamed of me. I hid under towels and hats at our yearly Lake vacation.  Any sun was bad sun. 
That probably did more good than anything else.

Then I caved to the lure of the sun kissed look. 
So I have sun spots. 

I had a dermatologist do this treatment that I had to pay for that didnt work either.  It felt like she was hitting my face with a rubber band, all to get rid of those tiny veins that she called Rosacea. 
After the second treatment my face swelled up like a waffle. 
I didnt go back.

I think now that I'm home from Florida and had my week of looking sun kissed, I"m going back to hiding from the sun. 

My mom had to have something removed from her face in her 70s. The dermatologist came out and said they were having problems because she had no wrinkles to pull from.  
To be fair she is a red headed irish woman who NEVER put her face in the sun.  Smart lady. 

Let's hope I have some of her genes. 
So the verdict on the Radiant is Guilty! 
I think it works to reduce puffiness around my eyes. 
I will keep buying it and that's really saying something.

 Product number two:
Roundy's coffee. 
Fireman just loves it. 
It is not Mexican coffee by any means, but it is good. 
Oh, and we love the Keurig.

 Miss Pie has always had bad kitty breath.  She likes feline Greenies.
All my cats do.  That's saying something from the picky pride!

A music thumbs us will finish today's post. 
I love listening to Rodrigo and Gabriella play their guitar music. 
I've been listening to it as background music while I post, while I clean the house, etc. 
Give them a try! 

And all pictures were taken with my fun new fish eye lens.
Makes taking post pictures very fun. 

Have a great Friday. 
Want to review any products for me? 
I 'd love to know what's working for you and what isn't. 


Suburban prep said…
Hope you are staying warm. It is supposed to be warmer today and then go in a roller coaster regarding temps around here.
Judy S. said…
Do you have lots of snow? DD#2, the one with the chickens, sent a very impressive snow photo yesterday. Brrr! Hope you are keeping nice and warm!
Oh, our cats love Greenies, too.
Celia said…
We've got a Winter Storm Warning for CO starting tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
Let's see --- what's good in my life ---

Lindberg eyeglasses --- like wearing no glasses at all, they are THAT light.

Island Roasters Coffee --- locally roasted and 100% organic. 1000% tasty!
Teresa Kasner said…
I gave up on beauty stuff a long time ago, I'm old and grey.. it is what it is.. but I'm glad you found something you like. We have not succumbed to the Keurig as I like to grind my own espresso beans. I guess I'm old fashioned! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Araignee said…
I've been hiding from the sun for years but the age spots showed up anyway on my arms and I hate them. I'm not terribly vain but I do hate my old looking hands and arms. I guess because I can see them and not my face so much?
Nothing new to recommend here. I must be in a rut.
SissySees said…
Are we related?! I've been obsessed with an ageless face since my teens. Good genes help, but I too wear brimmed hats when I run and could fund a small country on what I've spent - and continue to spend - on lotions and potions.

I need to try my first long run, post-dog-bite, but it's 11 degrees out and due to snow any second. I guess I'll break the dogs' hearts and go run in the firehouse gym...

I do have some new products I love, but I'm not sure you care about what running socks I like.

What about lips? All of these winter miles are making my lips look as though they're pounding the pavement too. Everything is coming up short in that department.
Nancy said…
I stay out of the sun and heat as much as possible, as I burn and freckle easily; I also have Rosacea. The only products I use on my face are Metrogel, Dove soap, and Neutrogena oil free moisturizer.
Oooh - I'll have to see if I can get some greenies for Mr. Stinkbreath - AKA Tux
KSD said…
I love benefit! In fact, I just ordered some things from them. My favorite of their products is Pore-fressional. It makes your sking feel like a dream.
Meredith said…
I have sun spots and wrinkles and I have earned every single one of them. I try not to get too much sun, I don't lay out but the damage is done from years of being out in it.
My MIL used to say tanned wrinkles look healthier than pale wrinkles, so true!

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