Bags and Bags and More Bags

Such a darling bag.....
I'm not a sucker for fashion so to speak, but I love bags and purses. 
These needle bags are so beautiful.  However, 
they are way outta the park in price range.
I think they run no less than 48.00 
I know they are functional and the atenti line is so pretty they look like evening bags....
but I don't carry my library of needles out of the house.
Maybe I would if I had one of these! 
I'm very much a VALUE and practical shopper.

I  do have Knitter's Magazine 's Cake Covers patterns. 
I've thought about knitting one up. 

Channon, this post is written with  you in mind. 
You are so stylish and a great shopper. 

Anyone else love a great bag? 

oh and a new post with ideas is up 


knitterbeader said…
Love the pictured bags, but agree the price is out of sight for me! I like to go on etsy and look at knitting project bags, but there again, most are quite pricey (especially the ones I really like). I realize it's the cost of the material plus the time to make, but $30+ for a pretty basic project bag is not realistic in my opinion.
Nancy said…
I have a Della bag for my DPNs, and I love it.
elns said…
I love a good bag. I have a Della one I got at Stitches West 5 years ago? wow. Anyways, I still use it and it's held up. Are the bags with the flower and the tiger print needle bags too or are they clutches? They are beautiful.

I'm a sucker for bags, all kinds.
teabird said…
I'm a bag ho, too. Sometimes I think I love bags and shopping for bags because you don't have to try them on...
Teresa Kasner said…
I'm a "bag-aholic". I have too many. I love the knitted bags at the bottom! For holding what kind of cakes? Yarn? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Anonymous said…
I am a sucker for a good leather purse! I love the bags that they have at my local yarn shop. They are gorgeous, but they come with a hefty price tag.

However, some of the cute project bags have made their way to my house. I bought one today with a flamingo on a bicycle.

I love those cake covers. What issue of Knitter's Magazine were they in?
kathy b said…
Dee It says K106. I had ripped the pages out and threw away the bulky magazine. The designer of the pattern is Lisa Johnson. If you can't find it let me know; ill copy and send it to you via snail mail
Araignee said…
I have tons of bags. I love bags. My bag must match my project. No kidding.
KSD said…
I've yet to meet a knitter who thought (s)he had enough bags.
Coralee said…
Totally true KSD!! I have nearly as many bags of one sort or another as I do cakes / skeins of yarn !! Don't necessarily have to use them either, so enjoyable just to imagine what they might hold :)
Meredith said…
I think I would take a good bag over shoes these days.
Celia said…
I would love a Namaste bag, but that's a little rich for my blood.

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