mr Cub.

I began to cry last night when we heard the news last night.
Ernie Banks.   The one and only
I named my parakeet who was blue and white after him
He lived to be 14 which was ernies number

When someone you have never met impacts you in the best way you know they were so unique
I hope Chicago gives him a World Series send off
Hey Ernie Lets Play Two


knitterbeader said…
What a guy! Even though I've never followed the Cubs, Ernie Banks was a well-known guy all over the country for his smile and attitude!
Nancy said…
I heard a wonderful tribute to Mr. Banks this morning on NPR.
KSD said…
I got choked up when I read about it. Such a legacy.
Judy S. said…
I just heard the NPR tribute also. He was an amazing man.
Araignee said…
Awww.....what a sweet tribute to a special guy.
Now he's a role model that our children should be looking up to. Not the celebrities of today. His legacy will live on. May he rest in peace. Blessings, Tammy
Meredith said…
So sad, but he had an amazing life.
SissySees said…
Oh boo. I'm sorry to hear of his passing. He was a class act!!

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