Yarn and Books Oh and it's Friday

 And then there was yarn! 
Allison gifted the blues to me. 
Santa,  gifted 
the Lorna's. 

I'm in awe of both gifts.
I'm rolling around pattern ideas for both.
Will you kill me if I knit a Trap for ME? in the blues? I don't have a Trap for me....

In an effort to expand my horizon's I signed up for a glove class at Three Bags Full. 
I immediately had regrets. 
Why do I want something I have to make two of and fight with ten fingers too?

So, I switched my class to 
and that's got my name all over it! 

I also signed up for a class that teaches the Winnowing Shawl pattern.  That's my reach class.  It isn't until March....
 Zach gifted me two great books and paperwhites. 
I have already started the bulbs. 

As for the books from Santa there were many of them in our house:

Angel Cats, Divine Messengers of Comfort

Jim Gaffigan: Food a Love Story
 (if you need some humor, he's a funny funny man)

Alex &Me
About a Parrot and a Scientist 
I teared up just reading the jacket...

Zoo Story
Life in the Garden of Captives

My Ideal Bookshelf
the book about books to have on your shelf
or in your Nook, or Kindle or whatever

Blue Highways 
all about the lightly traveled roads in the USA

There were even more, but that's the start of it here. 
Al gave us this southern flavored photo frame...
I think I will put Donna Boucher's beautiful portrait of Fireman and I in it.  

Now how will I remember today is Friday?
Feels all out of whack doesnt it? 

Today, Zach left for Mexico with Izzy.  We got up at 0430 to drive them to the international terminal at Ohare .....
can anyone say "nap"? 

Al and I are going to see INTO THE WOODS
I have Al for ONE more day...
it has been such fun. 

Did Santa bring any yarn or books to you?

(a new post is up highlighting mini skeins at threebagsfullcorner.blogspot.com) 


Bridget said…
No yarn here, but I did get a copy of "Yokes" by Kate Davies, which was a wonderful surprise! I may never make any of the sweaters, as sweater knitting is not in my normal activity, but I love looking at it and reading it.

Looks like you hit the jackpot! Enjoy the rest of Christmastime. :-)
karen said…
santa gifted me some quince and co yarn (how did he know?) I received two books from my daughter and my husband bought me a kindle!!!! Yay!
Nancy said…
I don't do gifts anymore, so Santa skips my house. I have too much yarn as it is.
Meredith said…
You are blessed to have a wonderful family Kathy. Enjoy your day with Al. I got yarn, too!
Teresa Kasner said…
Lucky you to get such pretty yarn for gifts! No one gets me yarn.. probably because I have too much as it is! :-)

  *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*
KSD said…
Dragonfly is one of my favorite yarn companies. That is a beautiful color.
Araignee said…
I am very familiar with the story of Alex having an African Gray myself. I was saddened by his sudden loss. Mine is 25 years old now and I raised her from a hatchling. They really are the most remarkable creatures.
I got no yarn or books. I asked all the kids to give me a DVD of their favorite movies and boy was I surprised. I think I just thought of a blog post for next week.
Saying holiday goodbyes is tough. I just sent one back to Michigan. Sniff, sniff...
SissySees said…
Do make yourself a trap! That yarn is lovely, and I too love paperwhites.

Not a single book for Christmas this year, but I need to get reading on our January book club book, since I'm the hostess. We still have three more Christmas gatherings, and my favorite NYE dinner with our besties... all 7 of them, and this year, darling E (the 2 yr old god-girl) and Monster's special someone will make our group larger again!
Anonymous said…
Stephen brought me TWO books. One on the lighthouses of Florida and the other, Florida Day Trips. I will put BOTH to good use.

Your yarnie gifts are so pretty. Lorna's is one of my favorite sock yarns.
You HAVE! to knit a Trap for yourself!!!!

No knitting gifts for me - but I did get jersey sheets!!! (my favourite kind) and lots of sparkly things from my guy!
steph said…
what a great christmas gift list!!!! I did get some yarn (from the Cocker, Freddy!!! he had help picking it out!!!! Some Shetland Spindrift) A fine Christmas all around!
Judy S. said…
Yes, you need to knit yourself a Trap!!! They are so nice and cozy, and that Chicago wind requires one. Didn't get any yarn which is a good thing as I am running out of space. No books either, but DD did give us a magazine subscription which should be interesting. Happy almost New Year, Kathy!
knitterbeader said…
Absolutely you can knit a blue Trap for yourself. Sounds like Santa was good at your house. I did get yarn from hubby (I picked it out at my LYS), and also got a yarn store gift card for a daughter!! So I'm happy!!

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