Wrap it Up

 I finished my Reader's Wrap.  I picked up the stitches and knit for the pocket as Nancy Suggested.  
It is bulky, but it will do the trick around here when the winter winds start blowing again.  
This old house has little insulation, so wraps are essential.
This wrap can easily be flung off when the hot flashes start, too!

The Santa towels are not to be used....
"they are for show, not for blow"  as my mom would say! 

I often read Carole knits' Ten on Tuesday prompts. 
Yesterday she said she had not gotten one LETTER in a Christmas card this year. 
Personally, I think Facebook has pretty much eliminated that need. We see everyone's every move all year long....
no real need to have that dreaded letter unless you 
sweetly, old school and you don't do Facebook. 

Carole's prompt was:
What would you put in your letter this year? 

I'd put this in mine:
We did not add a cat to our home this year! 
I finally mastered reverse shaping.
Retirement bliss.......

(a new post is up at threebagsfullcorner.blogspot.com)


Anonymous said…
That sounds like a pretty perfect year, my dear! :-) Your Reader's Wrap looks so snuggly warm.

What would I put in my letter this year? 2014 was a year of challenges, but I'm happy to say, it hasn't killed me yet. :::wink::: Looking forward to a happy, HEALTHY, very bloggy 2015.
Suburban prep said…
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Unknown said…
The Reader's Wrap is just the ticket! Looks very soft and snugly.

I have to admit that I wrote and enclosed a Christmas letter in my cards. Yes, I'm OLD SCHOOL...and seem to be a little too proud of that. I have not launched into Facebook, and know I'm not the only one. Unbelievable?
Unknown said…
I love retirement too! The reader's wrap looks so cozy!
Nancy said…
Glad you tried picking up the stitches for the pocket. Any problems? I think it makes a stronger bottom on the pocket.

No Christmas letter for me - hand-written notes in the cards that I send.
Katherine said…
What a wonderful wrap, and with pockets--what could be better! We have not received any Christmas letters this year. Our niece and her husband usually send one but not this year. I do appreciate the card I get every year from a childhood friend of our oldest son's who sends a card with a picture of the family on one side and a picture of the dogs on the other. I love it!! Those dogs get cuter every year!
steph said…
yep, retirement is GOOD!!!! and we haven't received (or sent!!!) the 'letter' this year!
SissySees said…
I have the cards and should be addressing instead of reading blogs. Hem. The wrap looks cozy!
Judy S. said…
Looks like a nice and useful wrap, Kathy! Glad you're enjoying retirement. We often wonder how we found time to work.
KSD said…
The scarf looks terrific! Good for you.
Araignee said…
My sister asked me years ago for a wrap just like that and she's still waiting. Shame on me.
Daddio just got a card with a letter from a recently widowed distant relative. It was sweet. I've never, ever gotten one. What I do get that annoys me is the postcard type picture cards that the sender doesn't even write anything on. They just slip it in an envelope en mass and off they go. How impersonal. I'm old fashioned. I think your kids and pets are great but I want a Santa or a snowman on my shelf for the holidays. Slip a photo in the card but please send me a card. My, I did go off a bit on that rant. Sorry.
Meredith said…
I don't really do Facebook although I belong, and I did send a letter, although it was a wee one.

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