Silent Morning Holy Morning

Shhhhh, read quietly please..

Have I ever mentioned I'm not a morning person?

I'm home alone this morning for a bit and the silence is spectacular.

I can clean the whole house at 7pm,  but I barely move in the morning.   

It is so quiet I can hear the refrigerator running.  I can hear a cat drinking water from the bowl.   It is like a pretty prayer. 

Anyhow, the image of the pocket scarf above is close to what I'm going for with my Reader's wrap.  

I want my pockets to be flatter, however.  

While I really love the wool look, it has to be acrylic for me.   

I hope to finish mine today. 

I love Christmas tree lots. 


Last night's dinner was crepes.  Fireman called Joe, another fireman who makes great crepes and got his recipe. 
We had to mix the batter in the blender and let is sit for half an hour. 

We filled them with broccoli, chicken and white sauce. 

They were delicious.  


Happy Tuesday.  
8 days to Christmas eve.
1 day to Channukah. 


Our dinner was cheddar-stuffed, bacon-wrapped chicken! But those crepes sound delicious
Anonymous said…
I'm not a morning person either. Unfortunately, life expects me to be one. :::sigh:::

Katherine said…
What a delightful post! I love the pocket scarf, and yes I would make the pockets flatter also. I wouldn't be able to keep anything in the sagging pockets. Pockets are a must have with me--I guess that's why I wear jeans so much.

I am a morning person--up and at 'em early and finished by 2:00 in the afternoon. I didn't say I had finished all my work by 2:00, I am finished by 2:00. Maybe I need to get started a little later....
Nancy said…
I used to be a morning person, but after retiring, my habits changed.m

Pockets are a necessity for me, too. My allergy nose always needs a tissue handy.m
KSD said…
I'm a late night person. If I can make it to 11 pm, I'm good to go for a while.
Judy S. said…
I'm not much of a morning person either, especially at this time of year when it's dark until almost 8 AM. I've only had crepes with sweet fillings, so yours sound most interesting.
karen said…
I am a morning person but my mother definitely was not. We were not to speak to her until she put her eyeglasses on. Really?? Anyways, I am toast in the evening, grumpy and unproductive.
SissySees said…
I used to be a morning person, but I outgrew it.
Meredith said…
You know I love quiet, and to be alone!!!! Those crepes sound very yummy.

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