Squares .....

 This gorgeous hawk filled the square of my lens this morning. I was lucky to catch him taking off in flight. 
 Since I am still double knitting a scarf and garter knitting the Trap, and I don't have much progress to show, I"ll be a square

Knit To Be Square looks like a fine book. 
Do you have to sew all those squares together or is it a pick up and knit situation?  
 This little crib blanket is at Three Bags Full on display.
I love how orderly the squares are, and yet the little block colors really pop out. 
Maybe I should start with a hat.....I love this one. 

Have you tied the mitered square patterns?


Unknown said…
Never tried them but i love that hat!
I've done mitred squares - they are super easy! And no - you don't need to sew - just pick up and knit! I made a blanket out of sock yarn scraps - it's my favourite, but the cat stole it.
Nancy said…
I've knit a mitred square baby blanket - one big square. It's easy, but not a quick project with all garter stitch.
Judy S. said…
Mitered squares are fun! Love the hawk photo. We woke up to a little snow today.....
Leslie said…
I've made a mitered square afghan out of sock yarn. I did one square a day and it was really fun and scrappy!
Marguerite said…
That hawk picture is a work of art. Love the composition and the colors.
KSD said…
I'm with everyone else --- mitered squares are very easy, once you get the hang of them. And, to me, that blanket looks like each brown square (with the small color square within) was knit separately, then all sewn together.
Kat said…
Love that crib blanket!
Araignee said…
Never tried the squares but I've always meant to. They look fun.
That hawk is gorgeous. What a spectacular shot!
Meredith said…
I made a mitered square baby balnket years ago, it was so much fun. I LOVE that hat.
Unknown said…
I tried mitered squares too. I made a scarf. Did you notice that everyone made something square or rectangle? My suggestion would be to make something (flat) like that first (like a headband?), and then try the hat...for whatever that's worth. Cute project. What a photo of the hawk!!
We have a hawk that hangs out in our yard a lot ... it picks off the mourning doves sometimes (hey hawk's gotta eat too, right?!?!). The other day it tried to get a squirrel very unsuccessfully.

I'm guessing you pick up and knit those squares to make the next ones (or you can anyway - that's how I've made them).
Katherine said…
Beautiful Hawk! I tried mitered squares a long very time ago when I was a knitting novice, but have not tried them since. I think they scared me then but I'm told they are extremely easy so maybe now is the time to try again. If you will I will!
Allison B said…
I want to make that hat, it's so cute. I've never done mitered squares either
Anonymous said…
Making mitred squares is fun. Just make sure you mark which side is the right side. I use one of the clip on stitch markers. A safety pin would do as well.
karen said…
I say go for the hat and see how you feel! If you love it then you know that you can dive into more. I've done mitered squares, I think they are just fine :)
Celia said…
I've only seen the mitered scares on blankets. The pattern looks very interesting.

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