Fuzz and Love

 I've  Sent my swap pal two skeins of Rowan.
Gave Kat from KnittinintheSun the bottom black color. 
 The knit shop has these pretty hats knit up in that Rowan.
They have that beautiful fuzz to them and will be very HOT and fashionable!
 Upstairs, the foster kittens are settling in.
Dink, (Humperdink) is a snuggler.
Westley loves to play with toys. 
They make me laugh!  
Dink's eyes are more golden than Westley's. 
What's not to love?
They use their box, they are quiet as mice,
and they sleep through the night.  

What's making you laugh?


What a cute pair!
karen said…
I'm in love with two kittens now :) Frodo makes me laugh every single day--he just has that kind of personality as a dog.
Nancy said…
Love the new photogenic kitties. They should find homes quickly.
Katherine said…
Cutest kitties around! I love their expressive faces.

Right now I am laughing at the little dog sitting under my desk, begging me to hold her. Macy is definitely queen of the office!
Unknown said…
Pretty hat!! Just the ticket for Polar Vortex weather!!

Oh the kitties!! They are so darned cute!!
Judy S. said…
Aren't you having fun with those 2 sweet kitties! Love that hat; the yarn looks really nice. I do like Rowan yarn.
knitterbeader said…
Love the pics of the kitties!! Also liking the Rowan and the knit hat. Looks nice and fuzzy!
Araignee said…
Adorable little munchkins!
I laughed today when I had to wait for a meeting to have Daddio discharged from the rehab and a very dear and confused lady sat next to me in the common area to knit-with paintbrushes. It seems they won't let her have pointy needles so she was using the ends of some blunt but tapered watercolor brushes to make a lovely orange garter stitch headband. I had to laugh. That will be me in a few years. I wish I had brought my camera. It would have made a great blog post.
Caffeine Girl said…
So fuzzy hats are in? I'm always behind the trends!

I love the first cup of coffee in the morning, so I always start the day off with a bit of happiness.
elns said…
Those cats are so cute Kathy! They look like they could definitely get into a little mischief! The hat looks so perfect for the winter, do you know if there is a pattern? All the best.
Celia said…
Oh my goodness. That's so cute!
Meredith said…
Those sweet faces are certainly making me smile.

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