Finishes on Monday
My little hat is finished complete with Pom Pom.
I made the pom around my hand ...
I wound it so tight my fingers starting turning colors...
note to self: You don't have to wind so tightly.
My Magic Circle Vest is finished.
Lest you think it is a Chirstmas tree skirt, let me explain.
I do think the yarn from the sheep and wool festival wanted to be this vest.
Hilarity ensued when I could not figure out how to put it on.
Thank Goodness Fireman is not geometrically challenged like me.
I'll try to get someone to snap a shot of it on me later.
Fun, easy pattern.
Lots of stitch markers and increasing on alternate 3 rd and 4th rows with row counter.
I've had the pattern about ten years and finally made the vest.
Time for a new knit cast on.....
hmmmmm I don't know what's next.
After knitting on size 101/2s for that vest, I want to go back to little needles for a bit.
Our local Holiday Fair ended this weekend at the GROVE.
Al and I always went together. I missed her this year.
I found a bunch of things for those little gifts I need at really reasonable prices.
Do you go to a Holly Fair each year or every other year or so?
a new wish list post is up at
Lots of fun ideas.
Lots of fun ideas.
Our village had a holiday fair last weekend but I missed it.
We celebrated 16 yrs of marriage this weekend and we went and visited people before it started to snow a bit on Saturday evening.
The homespun looks great knit as a hat. Very nice.
Mistletoe Market is this weekend. CAN'T WAIT.