This is Getting Scary.....Another TRAP

 I'm almost embarrassed to show you another TRAP scarf. 
This is the navy/maize combo in Road to China Light. 
I'm hopelessly drawn to knitting these scarves. 
This has to be the most boring knit blog still in existence.

Yes I have the other red/brown cotton 3/4s knitted.
And Yes, I have another planned.  
I want the red /brown for Izzy, to be big enough that she can wrap it around her head when the cold Chicago Winter starts a blowin'.  

I love knitting these scarves. 
2014 the year of the TRAP.
I must write the designer on Ravelry and tell her what she's done to me.
 I've already carved my pumpkin.  
Crazy huh? 
I always am sad if I carve on Beggars Eve and only get one night of glow.  I also read in a book from Kathy c, that you should score the lid and put cinnamon and cloves or nutmeg in the scores.
Then when the pumpkin is lit your house smells fantastic.
Tis true! try it!
Yes my pumpkin has warts....
 Now to show you someone else's knitting so you might want to return to the TRAP blog again: 
This darling vest was being knit up at Three Bags Full by Sheri.
Yarn: manos Serena.  
Wow.  It is a cotton/alpaca fiber with a bit of fuzz to it.
So soft...

That's a wrap.....or that's a Trap for today


Suburban prep said…
I was at Three Bags on Monday and I got lost in the beauty of the yarns I saw.
Great trap.
Ingrid K. said…
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Ingrid K. said…
Hi Kathy!
Love that TRAP!!
Ingrid xx
Araignee said…
My pumpkin has warts too. I love the idea of a smelly pumpkin. I might carve mine early this year too.
Unknown said…
You've got your Trap Groove on! Keep it up!

I am planning on getting a pumpkin sometime soon; I had not heard of scoring the lid and putting the spices in, but it sounds like a great plan!
Judy S. said…
Wow, I'll bet you can do the Trap with your eyes shut now! They sure are pretty though. When I lived in Milwaukee, we went trick or treating on "Beggar's Night" or what you called Beggar's Eve. Never heard it called that until your blog today, and it brought back lots of memories. There was always a big costume parade on Halloween. The last time I went trick or treating I came down with chicken pox 21 days later from my friend's little brother, and I was 15. Thanks goodness chicken pox is a thing of the past!
Apparently if you soak your pumpkin in a light bleach/water solution after carving it will last a really long time. Then you could enjoy many nights of glow!
Gracie Saylor said…
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Gracie Saylor said…
Hmmmm Blogger printed my comment twice so I tried deleting one and it deleted both :-) Anyhow, thanks for sharing the new to me spiced pumpkin idea, Kathy. Your Trap Scarf fascination almost persuades me to give the pattern a try one day! xx
SissySees said…
Love the vest, the Trap, the pumpkin. I'm knitting, by the way!
Nancy said…
No pumpkins will be carve at my house, but I may have to make some pumpkin cookies!

You can knit whatever makes you happy!
karen said…
you can never have too many scarves or a boring blog. I promise you! Love that you carved your pumpkin :)
elns said…
I love your love of the Trap! I love your love of all things autumn and pumpkin. In fact, I think after I first discovered your blog, you reawoke some kind of love for it in myself. That vest is gorgeous!
Caffeine Girl said…
You seem to be trapped in a circle of traps!
Meredith said…
Seriously another Trap sounds perfect and I know who you can send it! I have the most boring knit blog ever, actually when was the last time I posted any knitting?

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