Wild and Wooly

My niece, Quetzl  has her MACH in Agility.
Her nickname is the Princess.
Her highness visited with my sister and family this weekend. 
This dog is on alert 24/7.  She is a magnificent example of the working breed. 
I was exhausted watching her. 
My sister has a Gordon Setter too, Dashielle. Darling Dash as I call him takes life as it comes..on his own terms, and he's stubborn. 
Between the two they weigh 140 lbs. 
They swam in Lake Michigan.
At our house, Quetzl scared Rosalyn half to death.
There was a barking commotion, my sister yelling,  
"SOMEone grab her collar" .
I grabbed Roz.  
Everyone settled down. 
Roz and Company remained in the locked basement safely until they left. 
For all their training, they do lack a bit of HOUSE etiquette.
But hey, they are my sister's kids and I love her.  My sister the veterinarian ….
(the shoemakers kids and all that you know) 
Two little yorkies are looking good to me right now...

On our way to an " other side of the family"  party yesterday, we passed a sign that said, "Lllama open house today"
Fireman gets a gold star, or a cold beer, for turning the truck around and letting me visit. 
My goodness they are soft creatures. 
One was making this soft purring kind of sound. 
I was good; I did not buy alpaca. 
When we got to the party I told Barb, my nephew's wife's mother (got that?) that I had to stop to see the Alpacas because I'm a knitter.
She said, very matter of factly, 
"I know. I read your blog every day"
I threw my arms around this woman. 
My own sisters dont read my blog …ever!
I was so touched. 
Barb is a doll.  She is an ovarian cancer survivor.
When I was falling apart in 2006, she noticed, she cared and she reached out to me. 
I better knit this woman something don't you think?

Was your weekend Wild and Wooly?


Anonymous said…
I read your blog, too!
Katherine said…
My weekend was definitely wild and wooly, but no alpacas. DH would never take me to an alpaca farm because he knows I wouldn't want to buy yarn (I can get that at any yarn shop) I would want to bring home a whole alpaca. They are such cute, sweet animals.

I don't know, a Yorkie? Chewy the Yorkie is a bit anxiety ridden and shakes a lot. Maybe it's her way to get people to hold her. The dog's feet never touch the ground! Scruffy's Eclair (Macy) advises getting a Jack Russell Terrier.
karen said…
you have a way with stories my friend! I love how you meet readers and you know I have family that do not read my fantastic blog either... You should knit her something special and post about it!!
Suburban prep said…
My sister and my niece had come up so my sister could see the doctor who treated her for the stage 4 cancer she had. She is about 13 yrs out from a bone marrow transplant. They were to have returned home on Friday but because of the snarly mess of O'Hare and the flights they had to sty until yesterday. Saturday she and my 11 yr old niece and my husband and my father and I went to an apple orchard in Grayslake and picked a total of about 22 or so pounds of apples.
Now I am trying to make treats out of them. My one issue is that I am not big on cooked apples so I will make for others.
I enjoy reading your blog and Three Bags too.
Anonymous said…
I think you should knit her a pair of socks ---- socks with some alpaca in them. ;-)

Glad you had a chance to visit the adorable woolies.
Nancy said…
Yes, Fireman deserves a GOLD star, or maybe two.

Definitely knit that kind woman something warm and cuddly.

No one in my family reads my blog. If they do, they are pretty quiet about it.
elns said…
I love that the Fireman turned around for the alpaca for you. That is love. Definitely knit that lady something up nice!
SissySees said…
Yes! Knit that woman something wonderful! And Yorkies? Would it help recalibrate you to know a friend has a pair I know only as Peepee and Poopoo? They have real names, but the brats express themselves in such rude fashions...
Araignee said…
I had a very wooly weekend and I vote YES for knitting your blog fan something spectacular!
Unknown said…
Dogs who have a job are such happy creatures! Love the picture.

And the Llama looks adorable, and I can imagine how soft his wool must be!

Yes, I think a knitted gift should be next on your list!!
Meredith said…
Yeah for Barb! I read your blog everyday too, when can I get a hug?

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