Hold Everything…….

If you haven't seen this yarn on the ThreeBagsFullCorner blog I have to tell you the color shading is amazing. 
Hold your horses, it itches.  
This is Kuani and it's 100% wool and rather costly. 
If you are a wool lover though, you cannot beat how beautifully this stuff knits up. 
Not for me, but I'm short on knit progress today so I thought I'd….share….

 Before I could get really excited about the hummingbirds  returning to our feeder, they ditched me again.
Fireman bought a new feeder yesterday as the other one was several years old, plastic, and broke on a fall to the ground. 

I've been feeding our 6 rose bushes fish emulsion. 
They are all ready to burst in color again.
Hold everything, that fish emulsion STINKS.
(And It turns out hummingbirds don't go to roses because roses  don't provide nectar) 

We did get a red breasted nuthatch to our water fountain yesterday and that was fun.  They are such acrobats.

As for the Hooded Scarf,  hold everything.
I'm not sure I'll continue because something doesn't feel right about the yarn and the pattern when I've put them together. 
I love the pattern. 
I love the yarn.
I know better than to keep knitting if I am not looking forward to the process.  

Fireman and I are planning to kayak a bit this afternoon in Lake Michigan.  I get a bit panicky when I feel like we are out too far…
so I hug the shoreline. 
The suns out, the temps are warm, 
Hold everything Summers not quite gone!

Have you pulled the reins in on anything lately?


Unknown said…
The shading on that wool is fantastic. Looks great. I guess I haven't reined in anything just lately.
Suburban prep said…
I love the coloring of the Kuani yarn. I made a sweater out of it and I do agree with you that it is itchy.
I was at 3 Bags earlier today and bought a shawl pattern and yarn to go along with it.
Katherine said…
The Kuani yarn is gorgeous! I am a wool lover but I always feel guilty when I pay a lot for yarn because I have so much in stash. I. Must. Use. It.

We were about to take our hummingbird feeders down because we haven't seen any for over a week, but I received an email from Journey North saying they are on the move from colder central states and to keep the feeders up for a few more weeks. So, we refilled them and are waiting.
Caffeine Girl said…
I think you should trust your gut on whether to keep knitting.
I don't care how beautiful yarn is if it's itchy. I don't think I'm allergic to wool, but I am definitely sensitive to it.
Nancy said…
I'm sure your Hummers are gone for the season. . .

Have fun kayaking.
SissySees said…
Fun post... and you had me rarin' ahead a few times!

I've had to pull the reins on a young leader who doesn't do what doesn't speak to her and there's no wiggle room on this particular project. I feel horribly and sure as heck didn't want to become gala chair 5 weeks before the event, but...
Araignee said…
Kayaking sounds fun! I don't like to go out far either. I have to be able to walk to shore if I need to. Of course the bay is very shallow for a long ways out. I bet a lake is not.
Anonymous said…
That looks like a great hummingbird feeder.

I really want to try kayaking. It looks like fun. I've canoed on the Hillsborough River, but that wasn't much of a challenge. If you fall out, you just stand up. The river is pretty shallow. It's just the critters (snakes, alligators, spiders, etc...) that you have to be wary of.
elizabeth said…
fun knit! :) thanks so much for your comment on my blog; nice to meet you; sounds like we both like thought provoking books :)
Meredith said…
There is so much to see at the shoreline, why venture far from it? I love that yarn, but if it itches it is not for me.

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