Lifelong Learners….

 I've learned that the After Midnight Shawl is dreamy to knit.
The kind of knitting that is quiet and contemplative…
mostly miles and miles of stockinette, 
ever increasing and simple structure. 
 I've learned that the parakeet that came to our yard last night should do fine flocking with the sparrows until the first frost. 
Yes, a dog one night, a parakeet the next.
I'm going to call our Fancy Birdseed store and ask how I can help him. 
He may not need my help…..but just in case...
 I've learned that Karen can make her darling earrings now.
She's charging 10 dollars a pair.
Let me know the shade of color you prefer, and she'll make them to order.  I've learned she's a perfectionist, and they look even cuter in real life. 
I've learned that whoever invented garlic paste in a tube is genius.
No muss no fuss no smelly fingers. 

I've learned that Keurig coffee makes a perfect cuppa for me in the morning!  But then you knew that….

Learned anything new lately?
(PS a new post is up at
Head over to see some great ideas...


knitterbeader said…
Love how your shawl is coming along. Miles of stockinette st sounds like something I could take to knit meet-up and accomplish while chatting!
I'm glad to hear you're liking your Keurig - we sure like ours and like not throwing coffee away every day.
I had not heard of garlic paste - sounds like a great idea, so guess I'm off to the grocery store to see if I can find it.
Anonymous said…
I like the tomato paste in a tube too. Not as much waste.

I haven't learned much new today. Oh...maybe that running in 93 degree weather really takes the life out of you. :::tired:::
elns said…
Kathy I like this post! I have been having some things that I've enjoyed lately too. I'm going to do a similar one! I've learned that I truly believe a meal made of entirely appetizers is OK and delicious. hehe.
Nancy said…
I've learned, or rather relearned, that I must be very patient when working with fabric cut on the bias. Argh!
Araignee said…
Oh my, that sweet little birdie got away from someone. That's how we got our first canary when I was a kid. Mom was hooked from then on and we were never without.
Katherine said…
What a sweet, pretty parakeet. Is he wild. We have wild parakeets here all the time. Son-photographer has been taking a lot of photos of them in their nests.

Something new I have learned--I love, love, love pressure cookers. I've have never had one until a few weeks ago. Now I use it almost everyday. Yummy beef stew in 20 minutes, how great is that?
karen said…
I'm loving up that current knit! What is a parakeet doing outside? I thought they were pets only...
Toni said…
The shawl is going to be beautiful!
Judy S. said…
Hope you can help that parakeet! Chicago winters would be tough for him to take! I learned how to do a 1-row button hole and also that I don't like it; perhaps I didn't learn correctly?
SissySees said…
D'oh! I need to go make that cuppa' and get on with my day. Thankfully, there's 5pm church and pew-full of friends, because it's getting hot quickly and you know the DIVA will be demanding her walk before I finish my coffee.

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