
 There are no waterfalls around here…
this is at the Chicago Botanic Gardens. 
We have to create waterfalls so we can pretend. 
I love that sound of waterfall water!
 When you round the corner of the Sensory garden you are welcomed by an amazing smell.  Huge pots of curry plants scent the air in the most wonderful way.
I'm going to have to plant some curry in pots..
Looks like curry is in the aster family. 
I've been seeing spots…
welcome to 54.  
Floaters are a function of age I'm told. 
Do you see spots? 
It makes me think there is a dot on my glasses….
just an illusion. 

Starting on my new shawl today.
I've got that wonderful new project feeling. 
Hope it is not just an illusion!


Anonymous said…
Are those orange flowers the curry plant? They are beautiful!

The more time we spend out in Melbourne (near our son), the more I realize I really want to retire along the water. The Indian River runs by his place and it is SO relaxing to just watch the water move.
Unknown said…
I've never seen a curry plant, and who would have thought they would have those beautiful orange blooms?

Yes, isn't a waterfall so soothing to the ears and ears??
Nancy said…
Living in a landlocked area, I crave running water: I love watching the flow of water, especially the surf.
Gracie Saylor said…
I have spots before my eyes, too :) and love the sound of moving water as well. My husband bought us a fountain I have in my living room running 24/7~~~~~~ Thanks for the pretty photos and lesson about curry. I can almost smell it through my computer screen! Happy new project knitting kathy b xx
karen said…
I have two that I can sometimes see rarely. So i'm not complaining! I hope yours move to the side or disappear. Lovely photos of a pretty garden.
elns said…
Beautiful photos Kathy! I can't wait to see your shawl project!
kathy b said…
No Dee, those pretty orange flowers are nt the curry. I love them though
Araignee said…
I have flashers and floaters because I have a retina disorder that drives me crazy. I always feel like I have bugs flying around my face. It makes driving difficult sometimes as it can look like things are jumping out at me. Growing old is no fun. :(
Judy S. said…
Love that Botanic garden! We made it home last night finally, and it was OK as long as I didn't think about what time it was in Chicago. Can't wait to see your new shawl project! (And yes, I see spots, too....)
SissySees said…
You have the prettiest floral photos...

My bassets both had floaters quite early in life. I'm just glad Sissy can still see them, but I'm sorry you do too.
Mrs. Micawber said…
Yes, I have floaters - mine swoop around and look like small insects at the edge of my vision. But they're not from age, but from several bad bouts with uveitis years ago.

The Aster family is huge - seems like half the flowers I see out here belong to it.

To answer your question, I've ridden about 810 miles so far this year - several hundred less than last year at this time. The accident really messed up the season for me. I hope to do better next year.

Looking forward to the new shawl - am kind of hoping it's a Moonraker. :)
I think the next time work sends me Chicago way, I'm going to have to make time to check out those gardens
Katherine said…
Beautiful photos! I like tinkling, water-feature type waterfalls but not the BIG ones. We did, however, stay at a place in the Grand Canyon on our honeymoon that had a big waterfall that we could swim under. It was loud but pretty.
Celia said…
Unfortunately, the floaters are normal. Not much you can do about it.
Caffeine Girl said…
There are some gorgeous waterfalls in northern Wisconsin, and you could stop in Madison for some knitting on your way!

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