Exhausted from the Parties!

 We interrupted our regularly scheduled programming for a week with my birthday goings on! 
Last night was the finale.
The spay neuter team opted for a Henna Tattoo party. 
Vet, Kristine's birthday is a few days after mine. 
 So much fun and this woman Bala, was so talented.
I think its time to get back to my slow life, on the porch,
with ample knitting and posting! 
 Miss Pie is adjusting to party life.
She actually came up the basement stairs to visit for a bit as did shy Tank Last night. !

Here's my comfort yarn ……
I've started my shawl and I'll show some progress soon. 
I opted for calm colors. 

I did make a baguette spread that was delish and I'll share it with you:

from Cooking Light

6 ounces broccoli florets
(2 cups)
1/3 cup canola mayo
2 tsp lemon Juice
1/4 tsp kosher salt
basil leaves
3 garlic cloves peeled
1 slice bread torn
(Opt: anchovey fillet) i left this out

Cook broccoli and cool
Combine broccoli may and others in food processor
Process until smooth. 

Spread on toasted baguettes
garlic bread or serve as raw veggie dip. 



Araignee said…
I haven't seen henna since the 60's when I used it to dye my hair orange. How lucky to have someone so talented turn you into a work of art!
Katherine said…
Yum, I love it! I will try it this weekend. We are still oohing and ahhing over the potato salad.

Also yummy yarn!
Unknown said…
You party animals!! Girls just want to have fun!! Yum, the spread sound delicious!
Celia said…
Have a great weekend!
Nancy said…
Henna tattoos were popular when I was teaching overseas. I never did get one but thought they were pretty cool.

Love the yarn you selected for your shawl.
Judy S. said…
Wow, I think you even out did Sophia in the celebration department! Love your comfort yarn colors. What brand? I'm anxious to see your pattern also. Have a grand weekend! Let's see, what can you celebrate now? ;>)
Anonymous said…
Awwwwwwww...Pie is adorable.

Love the henna tattoos. I think I'll have to get one of those.
Meredith said…
I am loving that yarn, so beautiful. Happy weekend,
SissySees said…
I can't wait to try it! I wonder if I have some frozen broccoli? It might be dinner tonight...

The yarn is very soothing!
Gracie Saylor said…
Happy Weekend, Kathy b :) I plan to work on a first year scrapbook for my youngest grand, Rosie. I love the yarn you will be knitting with!
karen said…
That looks like fun and the fact that they are not permanent (hopefully) makes it "funner"! Have a great weekend!!

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