A Day of Memories

 Twas a picture perfect day on Deep Lake yesterday.
This does not mean we caught any bass.  Oddly enough, we could see the bass, but they weren't biting.  
The water in this lake is uniquely clear for this area.  

People either love to fish or hate it. 
I enjoy using top lures like fake frogs and making them skim across the water.  
I love to go fishing. 
Luckily so does Fireman.  
I even enjoy ice fishing…..which Fireman does not….

Given some wonderful orange yarn from Ellen, I decided to knit a Chicago Bears colors hat for Zach.  
This one's too small.  Good thing we have nephews in the family who are Bears fans.  Should be a perfect fit for our Jaxon. 
I have plenty left to knit Zach another. 

Bwah….I'm not ready for fall yet. 
Not because I don't love it, but because I want more summer. 
Can we squeeze a new month into the calendar with more summer.
And while we are at it, can we do away with March? 
Perhaps there is a way to do this…oh yeah..
I think it's called MOVING.
Since we are in our house 31 years today, that would be a big change for us. 
What's the longest you've lived in one house?
Today is the day Huck went to Heaven, 5 years ago.
Love you Hucky boy!  
It is also my parents wedding anniversary.
Some days just have more events than others, don't they. 

Give your cat or dog an extra treat in honor of Huck please!!!
He loved "cookies" 


KSD said…
You'll find me in the "hate fishing" column. I don't mind being on a boat, or sitting on the bank, but with a book or my knitting instead of a pole.

Nancy said…
Great post! Your photos of your fishing trip are wonderful.

I love fish but not fishing. I've lived in my house 21 years.
karen said…
too small? eep. Oh well glad you practiced and have a future wearer in mind. I have lived 14 years? I think in one house....which is my previous house. I've been in this house for 10 years?
Anonymous said…
Wow! Today IS an eventful day. Shelby doesn't get "cookies", but I'll give her an extra chin rub in honor of your sweet Huck.

We were in our first house 11 years. On July 23rd, we were in THIS house 19 years. As you can see ... we don't move much. LOL

I am most definitely NOT a person that likes to fish. I don't eat fish so I see no need to put either on of us through the agony. ;-) Glad YOU had a good time. Sorry the bass weren't biting.
Katherine said…
Oh sweet Huck!! He was loved by all who saw that sweet face. Macy and Max are already nudging my leg for their Huck treat.

My dad was a great fisherman and always wanted me to fish with him. I would go along and read in the boat but didn't care to fish. Still don't.
Meredith said…
If you move to Florida I can guarantee you another month of summer, but it isn't lovely weather like you have, it is hot as Hades here. Bless your heart as yo are thinking about your beautiful boy.
I like to fish - but only from a boat. When I was a kid, we did a lot of fishing from the shore and I hated it. But when I was a teen, my Dad got a boat and we'd take it out to the local river and trawl for hours - I love it.
I haven't been fishing in years though - life just got too busy!
Araignee said…
Awwww.....such a sweet post-and gorgeous photos. I've been off babysitting my son's ginormous Golden since Monday and he is such a wonderful big guy. I'm going to miss sleeping with him on their sofa tonight.
Judy S. said…
The 28th was also our oldest nephew's b'day; he was born the weekend my sis got married! We've lived in our house here in WA 37 years, the longest anywhere, and long enough to collect an incredible amount of stuff!
Sarah said…
The longest I've lived in a house is 12 years when I was a kid. Second longest is my current home which is 7 years
SissySees said…
UVA colors too...

I've been here 19 years. Wow. How did that happen? And I moved in August sometime too...

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