Yarn Crawls and All Y'alls
So Threebagsfullcorner.blogspot.com has a new post up if you want to check it out . Please do. Leaving comments really helps me, too.
Today's post about the Chicago Yarn Crawl and some goings on at the Studio.
It starts August 2nd.
Read all about it on that other blog!
While I was there I snapped a few photos.
I love the blue in the shawl. Thats a whole lotta Yarn overs though.
One smart lady on borrowed time was knitting a baby sweater.
The gift is due next week.
She took the pattern out of the Aran Knits page and knitted the whole thing in garter. Now why didn't I think of that?
I'm going to knit one …
People are so creative and smart.
I love me some garter.
Garter you love it or you hate it?
How about you?
That shawl is gorgeous.
I like the garter stitch for some projects and not at all for others. So, I fall in and out of love for the garter st.